Yesterday, the world lost a true visionary. Steve Jobs, founder of Apple and Pixar, passed away at the relatively young age of 56 due to pancreatic cancer. Or perhaps he passed away from the devastating effects on his body of the traditional medicine cancer treatments he chose to fight his cancer with. Either way, we’ve … Read More
Spinal Decompression Standing Stretch
Spinal decompression can provide near instant back pain and sciatica relief by removing pressure placed on nerves where they exit your vertebrae. Inversion therapy, which has been around in one form or another for over 2,000 years, has been shown so effective at eliminating back pain that 70% of those who tried it were able … Read More
7 Surprising Back Pain Mistakes

By Jesse Cannone In working with tens of thousands of clients over the years at the Healthy Back Institute®, we have found there are a number of common mistakes people make in trying to find relief from back pain. I would like you to read all about 7 mistakes I have identified and consider which of these mistakes you a … Read More
Tony Robbins: Define Your Destiny
"We live in a therapy culture... the mindset that we are our past... most of society thinks biography is destiny." "Decision is the ultimate power." - Tony Robbins Are you fighting the invisible man? Not some science fiction writer’s invention but your own real… sometimes painfully real… inner perso … Read More
Tennis Elbow Relief with Acupressure
Elbow tendinitis can bring your tennis season to a swift end. Since the amount of elbow pain felt is directly related to how often… how long… and how hard you play tennis, serious players tend to have the worst cases of tennis elbow. That’s because your constant firm grip on your tennis racquet and repeated actio … Read More
Media Caught Red-Handed Manipulating Presidential Race
By Jesse Cannone In a matter of months, American voters will be heading to the polls to choose a candidate to represent them in next year’s Presidential election. But if certain members of the media have their way, the field of Presidential hopefuls will be limited strictly to their own hand-selected "top tier ca … Read More
Funniest Back Pain Video… EVER!
I just ran across this plug someone put up for my book and practically died laughing! This has got to be the funniest back pain video I’ve seen… EVER. Thanks for the laughs Dave. I’m glad I was able to help you "get your groove back.” And yes, the book is still free! … Read More
How To Maintain Perfect Sitting Posture

If you've ever suffered from back pain, chances are good you've been told your posture could be to blame. In fact, this advice precedes the back pain for many of us because dear old Mom used to say "sit up straight” or "stop slouching” all the time. Perhaps you rolled your eyes and reluctantly straightened your back fo … Read More
Mid-Back Stretch to Fix the Office Chair Slouch
By Ryan Murdock and Adam Steer from You begin the day with the best of intentions. And then you get a stressful phone call that sets you off… You know what comes next. You hunker down to write that report. And the next thing you know you’re hunched over the keyboard like Quasimodo pining a … Read More
The Truth About Your Back Pain
Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it takes a child to really tell it like it is. Maybe that’s why it seems so funny when a child just says what’s really on his mind… Adults, on the other hand, like to shade the truth just a bit. Maybe you’ve colored the truth a bit yourself when it comes to your back pain. Do a … Read More