Tony Robbins: Define Your Destiny


Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins answers why you are who you are today… and how to make your future even brighter

“We live in a therapy culture… the mindset that we are our past… most of society thinks biography is destiny.”

“Decision is the ultimate power.”

– Tony Robbins

Are you fighting the invisible man?

Not some science fiction writer’s invention but your own real… sometimes painfully real… inner person.

I’m talking about the inner self that makes excuses for where you’re at today and blames your condition on a lack of resources… or the same inner self that makes a decision and makes it happen regardless of what you have available to you.

As Tony Robbins explains in this amazing presentation he made at TED, what really limits us has virtually nothing to do with resources. It’s about resourcefulness.

In the video below, Tony asks 3 critical questions regarding your destiny… defines the two invisible forces that completely shape our future… and describes the six needs every human has.

And, believe it or not, he even gives us the secret to really living. Discover your destiny, if you dare, by clicking play on the video.

WARNING: Strong language and straight talk throughout video.


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Filed Under: Motivation and Inspiration, Video
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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