Scoliosis; just the pronunciation of the word itself might be confusing to some, let alone what it is, what causes it, and how to treat it. To put it simply, scoliosis is an unnatural curve in the spine. Wait, an unnatural curve in the spine? I thought the spine was supposed to have a little bit of a curve? While it is true … Read More
The Safer and More Effective Alternative to Cortisone Shots

Cortisone injections are a commonly prescribed treatment for all kinds of joint and tendon injuries. But are cortisone shots really a good choice? After a systematic review of studies on their effectiveness and safety, researchers reported to The Lancet that while cortisone shots may offer fast relief from pain, they c … Read More
Improving Your Posture
Improving your posture not only benefits how you look on the outside, but it can greatly benefit your body overall. Poor posture just plain old looks bad, but even worse, it is not good for your body. But what causes poor posture in the first place? Poor posture can form from the daily activities we perform each day. Activi … Read More
Sciatica Injection
If you have ever felt a radiating pain down one or both of your legs, well then, you have experienced Sciatica first hand. While not a condition in itself, it is merely a symptom of a few various conditions. Having said that, if you are experiencing this type of pain, it is best to get checked out by your primary physician s … Read More
Coccyx Cushions
Most of us spend the majority of our days sitting, whether in cars, in office chairs, at the kitchen table, on couches or elsewhere... So oftentimes our bums get sore from too much sitting,... and many people even experience pain while being seated. While it’s important to get up frequently and walk around and stretch, … Read More
5-Minute Office Stretch Routine
Back pain is a leading cause of disability and missed days at work. But there are many times when you simply have to push through the pain and get the job done, right? That’s why today I want to share a quick office stretch break routine with you including specific stretching exercises that’ll loosen up tight mus … Read More
What are Herniated Discs?
The spine is comprised of vertebrae, and in between the vertebrae are soft, spongy discs which act as shock absorbers and give the spine its flexibility. A herniated disc, also known as a slipped, bulging or ruptured disc, occurs when a disc becomes damaged and bulges or breaks open. When this occurs, the innermost jelly lik … Read More
Natural Sleep Aides
Studies show that few things are more detrimental to you than a lack of solid sleep. Lack of sleep can lower your immune system and increase your likely hood of being depressed, sick and also places your body under tremendous stress. There are many factors that make it difficult for people to get consistent quality sleep. Le … Read More
How Natural Sleep Aids Work
Sleepless nights happen to the best of us. They may be caused by a variety of factors such as a brand new baby, an important presentation, aches and pains in the body, insomnia or stress and worry. But in all of these cases, one thing is for certain; a night without sleep can be torture and seem endless. Now did you know th … Read More
Natural Medication for Arthritis
Despite how it might feel sometimes there are some wonderful things that come with getting "older". We get to see our kids and grandchildren grow up, get to work a little less (hopefully) and get to spend a little more time doing the things we love. Although it seems like we are always trying to stay young, there truly is ma … Read More