If you’re like most people, when you think of protein, you probably picture some of your favorite foods. A sizzling steak fresh off the grill… Delicious chicken BBQ… Or a rack of mouth-watering ribs. (I’m getting hungry just writing about them!) But that’s not the type of protein I’m talking about here. Unfort … Read More
What Do Cancer, Heart Disease, and Arthritis All Have in Common?
What do cancer, heart disease, and arthritis have in common? As it turns out, they all involve a “sticky” protein called fibrin. You see, fibrin is a double-edged sword. It’s a natural protein produced in the liver that circulates throughout the bloodstream. One of the main functions of fibrin is to help form blood clo … Read More
Written By: June 6,2023
Arthritis Pain? Check Your Teeth…

There’s no shortage of horse farms and riding stables here in south Texas. Nor a shortage of old farm hands who will tell you checking their teeth won’t only tell you the horse’s age, it may also reveal hidden problems preventing good performance on the farm or while riding. Turns out checking your own teeth can be helpful … Read More
5 Best Ways to Beat Arthritis (and Get Lasting Relief)

What is that excruciating pain in your hip, elbow or wrist? You could be experiencing the symptoms of arthritis. In a moment I’ll tell you how to beat arthritis, but first you should understand that arthritis isn’t just a single condition, and learn what the symptoms and risk factors are. In fact, arthritis is the term … Read More
Exercise and Joint Pain: 7 Rules You MUST Follow

If you struggle with joint pain, the last thing you may want to think about is exercise — but you absolutely should. In fact, exercise has been called the secret to joint pain relief,[i] because it breaks the tendency to favor your joints and avoid movement. Such avoidance will ultimately make your pain worse and weake … Read More
5 Arthritis Treatments to AVOID

Achy joints and limited mobility from arthritis are enough to make anyone hunt for a quick fix. Often the "solutions" you find sound good, but are they really helpful? Sometimes popular arthritis treatments are unhelpful at best… and at worst can cause life-threatening side effects. So before you jump onto the next art … Read More
Grocery Tips: 12 Best Foods That Fight Arthritis and Joint Pain

BONUS CONTENT: 7-Day Meal Plan for Ultimate Pain Relief In these challenging times, we need to be smart about what we eat. Each bite has the power to either reliever or aggravate joint and arthritis pain. That's because certain foods can cause inflammation and others can relieve inflammation. RELATED: The 5 Worst Food … Read More
Why Do My Joints Hurt? The Answer Might Surprise You (VIDEO)

When joints hurt, many assume the cause of joint pain is always injury or aging. While both can be factors, there’s another “hidden” cause your doctor probably hasn’t mentioned. Please watch this 2-minute video to discover what this cause is (and then scroll down to claim your free sample of the only known solution for th … Read More
Is Boswellia Good for Arthritis and Joint Pain?

Suffering from joint pain or arthritis stinks. And when you’re in that much pain, day in and day out, you’re willing to do and try just about anything for relief. I get it. But when I look at Big Pharma’s options for joint pain relief and arthritis, it sends a chill down my spine. The list of dangerous side effec … Read More
Does Turmeric Relieve Joint Pain?

I get a lot of flak from the mainstream medical community. They call people like me “quacks”… Or “snake oil salesmen”… Just because I believe people have a right to know there are safe and effective natural solutions for just about every health condition under the sun. But the more people learn the truth, the mo … Read More