How to Treat Lordosis

Your spine has gentle curves that help counter the effects of gravity and help you move your body fluidly and without pain. If the natural curvatures of your spine become exaggerated, as is the case with lordosis, pain and trouble moving can result. Your lumbar spine (the area just above your buttocks) naturally has an in … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

How Technology is Causing You PAIN …

woman texting thumb pain

Are you reading this article on a computer? Take a moment to think about your posture. Are you sitting with your head held forward and your shoulders and upper back rounded? This is incredibly common … and it’s also a major source of back and neck pain. Among teens, even, frequent computer use increases the risk of neck, … Read More

Filed Under: Pain and Inflammation
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Neck Pain Action Plan

Nearly everyone experiences it at some point in their life. Neck pain can result from accidents or injuries, muscle strain or imbalances, and even simple activities which are repeated over time, like sitting, reading, and working at the computer. Our bodies are in a sitting position often throughout the day. We eat, dr … Read More

Filed Under: 7 Day Back Pain Cure, Neck Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Carole Gardner

I have to say - I've been dealing with Back Pain for over 30 years now. I have 4 issues going on. Without all the fancy terms - I have an "S" curved spine, a slipped vertebrae (class 2) a budging disc - lower back and some stenosis. I've had a bad time with Sciatica, hip, butt, leg and low back pain - and 3 surgeons, (2 ort … Read More

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Man Learns SURPRISING Reason for His Back Pain

A New Jersey man has recently experienced what’s got to be one of the most shocking reasons for back pain on record. At around 2 am early one Sunday morning, the 42-year-old man (who remains unnamed) went out on his porch to smoke a cigarette. A stranger asked him for a light, to which he declined. A fight ensued, the stran … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Lynn Wertelet

I want to thank you for your system of exercises. I have suffered back pain for over 20 years with pinched nerves in my hips and lower back. (I am 46) I have tried every remedy you mention in your site and all of them really did not keep the pain away - just barely got me mobile. I have been doing the exercises 2-3 times dai … Read More

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Chronic Pelvis Pain

Chronic pelvis pain can hit anyone. But women suffer the most, with as many as 1 in 7 at any given time by some estimates (and 1 in 4 while pregnant). Yes, it's always a good idea to see a doctor to rule out disease for chronic pain issues. That's why I'm going to share the most common diagnosed causes of chronic pelvis p … Read More

Filed Under: Hip Pain, Muscle Balance Therapy
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Richard W. Turner

Hello,I bought your Lose the back pain offer several months ago. The reason for my need was originally caused by a bad fall, over forty years ago, resulting in a displaced, fractured lumbar vertebra. Over the years, this has given me problems from time to time, but, as I have continued doing sport, the muscles have remained … Read More

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Aletha Prankus

I've been doing the exercises for several weeks now and have definitely started feeling an improvement. I still have some days when it seems a bit worse than others but I no longer have shooting pains down my leg and can roll over at night without extreme pain. I had been doing some stretches daily before this but these seem … Read More

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Jenny Abney

The video really helped my back pain... I have had back pain and sciatic pain before, and it started again a couple months before I purchased the DVD. I knew I needed to stretch it out, but the basic back pain exercises and stretches I was doing didn't help. The specific exercises and stretches in the video helped right awa … Read More

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