Used in German hospitals for over 70 Years, could this safe and natural painkiller finally bring you the relief you’ve been looking for? Dear Friend, If you have chronic pain, you have every right to be scared. Not only does your pain make you irritable, exhausted, and angry… it isolates you from the people you love. … Read More
Spondylolisthesis Exercises That Relieve and Prevent Pain

Medically reviewed by Dr. Brian Paris, D.C on Jan. 20, 2019. Spondylolisthesis ("spon-dee-low-lis-thee-sis”) is a big fancy word that simply means a vertebra in your spine has slipped out of position. It sounds like a pretty extreme condition. And spondylolisthesis can be the source of severe back pain, usually in the lo … Read More
Causes of Pelvic and Lower Back Pain and Best Natural Treatments

Women get the short end of the stick when it comes to chronic pain. If you’re a woman, you’re more likely to suffer headaches and migraines, neck pain, pain in your face and jaw, and yes, lower back pain. The list goes on and on… Lower back pain is a very common complaint. And women are more likely to suffer lower back … Read More
Why Do My Joints Hurt? The Answer Might Surprise You (VIDEO)

When joints hurt, many assume the cause of joint pain is always injury or aging. While both can be factors, there’s another “hidden” cause your doctor probably hasn’t mentioned. Please watch this 2-minute video to discover what this cause is (and then scroll down to claim your free sample of the only known solution for th … Read More
Sciatica Exercises to Avoid: Do This, Not That

The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest single nerve in your body, running from your lower spine down each leg and ending in each foot. Sciatica refers to the pain, numbness and other symptoms caused by compression or inflammation of this important nerve. Read More: The 4 Causes of All Sciatica Sciatica exercise … Read More
Big Pharma Memo Says This Cure is Not ‘Economically Viable’

Advocates for alternative medicine and natural cures are often attacked for suggesting there’s a Big Pharma conspiracy to keep us sick… I’ve been saying it for years: Big Pharma lies and keeps REAL cures from you because it keeps their wallets fat and their investors happy. Sure, we all want to believe that our own per … Read More
Lower Left Back Pain: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Medically reviewed by Dr. Brian Paris, D.C on Nov. 6, 2018. Here at The Healthy Back Institute, one of the most frequent questions we get from our readers is: What causes lower left side back pain? But over the years, I’ve learned that what most people REALLY want to know is: What’s the best way to get rid of lower lef … Read More
Top 12 Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Stop Joint Pain Bonus Content: The 5 Worst Foods for Arthritis and Joint Pain If you suffer from joint pain... Then you might already know health experts say the single most important thing you can do to feel better... to cool the fires of inflammation in your body. Yet, what mo … Read More
17 Back Muscles That Cause the Most Back Pain (and how to get relief!)

Bonus Content: The 7-Day Back Pain Cure Back pain is one of the top reasons for missed work and second only to upper-respiratory infections for causing doctor visits. Most of the time, back muscle pain is diagnosed then "treated” with little more than a prescription of rest, painkillers and muscle relaxants. Follow th … Read More
Degenerative Disc Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Getting older can be a real pain in the neck… and the back, too. For many people, that pain can be caused when their bones and discs begin to deteriorate. We call this degenerative disc disease. It's also sometimes referred to as spondylosis. Not everyone with degenerative disc disease will have severe pain, but you sh … Read More