Carolyn Lowe

Thank you for spending so much time with me on the phone the other day. What a great service you provide for those of us struggling with chronic back pain.  I could hear true concern and compassion in your voice. As we discussed, chronic pain is one of the most debilitating things a person can encounter in his or her life. … Read More

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Written By: admin,

7 Most Essential Tips to Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, causing close to 600,000 deaths a year.[i] Often, this is related to plaque build-up in your arteries, known as atherosclerosis, which can hinder blood flow or lead to a blood clot. This, in turn, can cause a heart attack or stroke. … Read More

Filed Under: General Health
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Elisa Ugapo

I have this sciatica pain for 2 years and it starts from my lower back down to my toes.  When I walk, I need to lean on something in order for me to walk for a long time.  In bed, I couldn't turn over to the other side without sitting up then turn. It is about a month now since I started with Heal-n-Soothe™ and the pain I h … Read More

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Nicholas Batt

I just wanted to tell you guys at the HealthyBack Institute what a great product you have in this Heal-n-Soothe. Plus, I have been taking it for about 4 months now and all I can say is, WOW, what a difference! I wish I had known about Enzyme therapy sooner. I noticed a difference right away and now when I hit it hard on the … Read More

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10 Biggest Arthritis Mistakes People Make

Enjoy this special condensed report from Dr. Mark Wiley, excerpted from the new book Arthritis Reversed: 30 Days to Lasting Relief From Joint Pain and Arthritis No one is perfect, not even doctors. Mistakes are OK when dealing with health and trying to recreate a better quality of life. It's when you don't realize you are m … Read More

Filed Under: Arthritis
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Christine M

"YOU GET IT" was a comment I recently received from Steve Heffron, after placing a call to inquire about questions I had regarding "Heal-n-Soothe™ Plus" and "Lose The Back Pain". Steve spent considerable time with me answering my questions and offering suggestions. I "get it" because of the considerable research you put int … Read More

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Leaky Gut Syndrome – 7 Key Symptoms and Top 4 Treatments

  For most doctors, leaky gut syndrome is considered one of those "mystery diseases.” That's because conventional medicine hasn’t really defined it. So doctors don’t know how to diagnose it - let alone treat it. But just because your doctor may not be familiar with leaky gut syndrome doesn't mean you don't have it. T … Read More

Filed Under: Nutrition
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Fear Feeds Your Physical Pain (new study!)

If you suffer from chronic low back pain, have you ever instinctively stopped yourself from bending in a certain way because you know it’s going to hurt? Virtually everyone with back pain has, and while it may seem harmless or even protective, this hesitation is actually detrimental to your back health. Fearing the sufferin … Read More

Filed Under: Emotions
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Chris and John

I stopped taking all NSAIDS Immediately (which I have been taking for five years) and started taking the Heal-n-Soothe® Capsules - To my delight about half the burning sensations in the front and sides of my shins disappeared by the second day of use. The awful debilitating Cramps in my Calves and Feet ceased almost alt … Read More

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Written By: admin,

How to Improve Digestion — 9 Top Tips

Digestion has been called the foundation of health because it is essential for your very survival. Virtually every nutrient that your body needs to function must first pass through your digestive tract, which, largely, determines whether it will be absorbed and utilized by your body or passed through as waste. … Read More

Filed Under: General Health
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,