Science has shown that it causes heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer … and now new research shows poor sleep can lead to Alzheimer's, too!" Specifically poor deep sleep. Deposits of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Using brain imaging and other diagnostic … Read More
11 Surprising Signs You Need More Sleep

Forty percent of Americans get less than seven hours of sleep a night, and the average American sleeps just 6.8 hours a night. In contrast, the average American slept 7.9 hours a night in 1942,[i] which is probably closer to what your body demands. Nearly half of men polled by the Better Sleep Council said they believe yo … Read More
Poor Sleep Shrinks Your Brain

You know that heavy, foggy feeling you get in your head after a night of too little sleep? It’s not a coincidence – your brain really is ‘hurting.’ Even one bad night’s sleep can cause changes in your brain similar to those that occur if you’re hit in the head.[i] Specifically, both poor sleep and head injury lead to a sp … Read More
Less Sleep = More Pain (new study)

Chronic pain is a major cause of sleep loss and is associated with insomnia. For instance, the National Sleep Foundation points out that if you have lower back pain you might experience intense “microarousals” throughout the night. Microarousals are changes in your sleep state to a lighter stage of sleep, and they often l … Read More
The Medieval Root PROVEN to Improve Your Sleep

Valerian, a flowering plant native to Europe and Asia, has been valued for its mild sedative properties since ancient times. Hippocrates was among those who described its therapeutic uses, and it was prescribed for insomnia as early as the 2nd century. … Read More
How to Shut Off a "Wandering Brain" When You’re Trying to Sleep

Do you often find yourself lying in bed wide awake, unable to sleep at 3 a.m. because of a wondering brain? Research has shown that people with insomnia have difficulty shutting down mind-wandering brain regions at night, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to fall asleep. … Read More
The Whacko Pill: Beware the Most Popular Prescription Sleep Aid!
What Is the Healthiest Position to Sleep In? (and what’s the worst?)

Sleeping is supposed to be the ultimate in rest and relaxation … yet so many of us spend our nights tossing and turning instead of slumbering. There are many factors that can disturb your sleep (like your pets, medications and the wrong bedtime snack), but one that you might not have considered is your sleep position. … Read More
7 Little-Known Ways You are Disturbing Your Sleep

Getting quality sleep is about much more than having energy in the morning or avoiding those pesky dark circles under your eyes. Lack of sleep is linked to serious diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, immune system trouble and even weight gain and obesity. … Read More
The Benefits of GABA

If You Suffer Poor Sleep or Anxiety, It's a MUST Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter known for its inhibitory effect on nerves, essentially helping them to calm down. Low levels of GABA are linked to mood and anxiety disorders, which is why some anxiety medications and hypnotics like Ambien and Lunesta a … Read More