Back and neck pain causes are numerous, and most are able to be treated simply with a visit to the doctor and a prescription. Heat, stretching and strengthening exercises and over-the-counter administration of anti-inflammatory medication are all typical remedies. Back and neck pain are most often caused when the muscles or … Read More
Back and Leg Pain Causes
Back pain is a common complaint among adults, and as people age, these issues can worsen. Sometimes, back and leg pain can go together, and the cause might require a doctor to identify the root of the problem. Back and leg pain causes can include congenital or degenerative conditions, such as herniated disk, spinal stenosis, … Read More
At Home Back Pain Relief
With harsh prescription drugs and risky surgeries being recommended by doctors, it is no wonder why so many people are searching for natural ways to treat back pain. So the million dollar question is, can you treat back pain at home? Fortunately for you and millions of people all over the world, the answer is yes. You ABS … Read More
4 Solutions for Arthritis Back Pain Relief

I love a good night’s sleep. I try to get the recommended eight hours every night. It doesn’t always happen, but I make the effort. Because there’s not much better than hopping out of bed, ready to take on the day, when your body is fully rested. But for millions of Americans getting out of bed in the morning is a real … Read More
Alternative Treatments To Relieve Chronic Back Pain
Back pain is one of the most common sources of chronic pain, coming in second only to headaches. But the reason back pain becomes chronic is that very few people know how to relieve chronic back pain or what causes it. There are a variety of factors that contribute to ongoing back pain including weight, lifestyle or injury. … Read More
How Do I Alleviate Sciatica Nerve Pain During Pregnancy?
In effect, there are several different side effects of pregnancy, one of which is sciatica and/or back pain during pregnancy. Sadly, sciatica does distress a lot of women during pregnancy often, despite all that it is not merely a pregnancy related problem certainly. Sciatica is a concept that refers to discomfort produced … Read More
Acupuncture for Back Pain or Sciatica
Whenever a sciatica nerve gets irritated, the word excruciating does not do the feeling justice. Often, this intense illness is discovered as a pain that starts in your lower back and proceeds down the large sciatic nerve that runs all the way down the back of the leg. Moreover, sciatica might be produced by inflammation of … Read More
3 Ways to Reduce Back Pain
Back pain usually happens because of injuries to the ligaments, tendons, and/or muscles in your lower back, typically because of overuse or trauma. It can be very debilitating, hurting whenever you move and making it difficult to sleep or relax. If you suffer from back pain, take heart, there are natural ways to reduce back … Read More
Shoulder Pain Stretches for Fast Relief
One of the worst things about upper back and shoulder pain is how difficult it can be to rub out the pain because of where it’s located. It’s much easier to massage away pain in your arms, legs, neck or even your lower back with your own hands. Fortunately, stretching out tight shoulder and upper back muscles becomes eas … Read More
Top 10 Alternative Treatments for Pain
By Dr. Mark Wiley People are always asking us what the best alternative treatments are for their pain conditions. Given the vast number of modalities available under the "alternative" label, it is no wonder people feel overwhelmed when trying to choose the best one for them. In this article we'll look at an overview of 10 o … Read More
Written By: May 16,2011