4 Solutions for Arthritis Back Pain Relief

Man with low back pain holding lower backI love a good night’s sleep.

I try to get the recommended eight hours every night. It doesn’t always happen, but I make the effort. Because there’s not much better than hopping out of bed, ready to take on the day, when your body is fully rested.

But for millions of Americans getting out of bed in the morning is a real drag.

If you’re someone who suffers from spinal arthritis, I’m sure you know what I mean…

When you have chronic back pain from arthritis of the spine, it can be hard to sleep. And the mornings are the worst…

Everything aches. Your back is stiff. It hurts just to pull yourself up on your feet.

And forget about that round of golf or game of tennis you had planned…

If you’re looking for arthritis back pain relief, you’ve come to the right place.

What Is Spinal Arthritis?

The joints in your spine are particularly prone to arthritis because of the pressure they’re under every day. The cartilage breaks down in your facet joints (vertebral joints). It gets harder to do things like bending, twisting or stretching.

Spinal arthritis can occur in any part of the back.

If you have cervical arthritis, sometimes called “neck arthritis,” you will likely have pain in your neck and upper part of the spine. Osteoarthritis sufferers usually have neck pain as well as lower back pain. Lower back pain can also be caused by lumbar arthritis.

Whichever type you have, I want you to know you don’t have to live like that. Today, I’ll show you a few easy steps you can take right now to get real relief from arthritis back pain.

4 Ways To Ease Spinal Arthritis Pain

1. Try natural pain remedies. Big Pharma’s pain meds don’t have a great safety track record. And that’s putting it mildly. In fact, a 2016 study showed that anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), naproxen (Aleve) and the prescription drug celecoxib are all equally dangerous for your heart.

On the other hand, natural pain relievers like white willow bark, bromelain, turmeric and devil’s claw have a safety track record that goes back thousands of years.

And studies show that herbs like these are at least as effective for reducing arthritis pain and inflammation.

2. Get a massage. Done properly, massages can bring much-needed relief for spinal arthritis sufferers. There’s a growing body of research that shows that massage can help relieve many of the symptoms of arthritis — including stiffness, pain, mobility and overall function

Make sure to find a licensed medical massage therapist and let them know that you have pain from spinal arthritis. And don’t be afraid to put an end to the massage if you find that it hurts. We’re looking for pain relief, not more pain.

3. Get moving. I know, I know! When it’s hard to move, the last thing you want to hear is the word “exercise.” I understand completely.

But the research is compelling. A recent study in the journal Arthritis Care & Research shows that as little as 45 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week can decrease pain and improve mobility for osteoarthritis patients.

Most of the patients involved in the study walked for exercise, so if that’s all you can do comfortably, that’s fine. No need to overexert yourself. Just keep moving!

4. Use Heat and Cold Therapy. A hot or cold compress… which works better for pain relief? The answer is they both have their place.

Applying heat to the area of the back that hurts provides soothing pain relief for a lot of people. You can choose dry heat (like a heating pad) applied directly to the sore spots. Or you can try moist heat, like a warm, moist towel or even a warm bath.

On the other hand, using ice packs or a cold compress can help numb arthritis pain.

You can alternate between the two, but feel free to use whatever method provides you with the most pain relief.

For me personally (and for lots of my readers), I’ve found that nothing compares to the soothing relief of a good heating pad.

But I’m not just talking about any old heating pad…

I’m talking about a heating pad that uses state-of-the-art NASA technology to deliver 20 times more healing power than anything else on the market.


You can learn more about these heating pads by clicking this link.

(And for more info about spinal arthritis, just click right here.)


“Even a Little Exercise Helps Ease Arthritis Pain and Function.“ Arthritis Foundation (blog.arthritis.org) Feb. 10, 2017


Filed Under: Arthritis
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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