Sunday Payeur, Michigan

Thanks for speaking with me the other day. I just had to get in touch with your company. I wanted to let you know that I was in such bad pain that came on so very suddenly that I went to bed one night only to wake to find I couldn’t even get out of bed! I had to wait until my husband could help me then make sure I could stan … Read More

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Daniel Rubano, Ridgefield Washington

I have been in pain for about 3 years with Stenosis and referred pain into my hip and groin. I initially tried a one-month treatment of your Heal-n-Soothe enzyme formula three months ago with good results. I then compared that against a similar supplement (heavily advertised on AM radio). Both supplements had positive result … Read More

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David Baugh, MO

I heard about and used Heal-n-Soothe about ten years ago when I suffered a fractured knee. My knee healed and I had no more pain so I quit using Heal-n-Soothe. I had been doing some remodeling on my home and somehow, I started experiencing low back pain which got worse. I figured it was my sciatic nerve acting up, so I order … Read More

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Cynthia Dearing, Canada

It started with a visit to the doctor, I was told I had Osteoarthritis and I had to have a knee replacement operation. Walking was a chore, I could not get out of bed in the morning or do house chores. My pain level was at a 10. I fell down one day and could not use my legs to get up. That was not going to happen again for m … Read More

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Paddy O Reilly, Ireland

My story is to thank you and your team at The Healthy Back Institute. I'm very grateful. I have been in pain for many years with neck pain from arthritis in my neck and head. Since taking Heal-n-Soothe and Super Joint Support over the last 6 months I can hold my head up and rotate it normally. I Love you and I am with you, N … Read More

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Vyv Francis, UK

"Hi Steve, I never normally buy food supplement products from online advertisements, less still do I write to companies to express my experience of their products. However, I stumbled across your information film whilst watching an unrelated YouTube video a few weeks ago. I have been suffering from arthritis in my fingers fo … Read More

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Sandra Smith, Illinois

"I have been in pain for 40 years with sciatica, piriformis and neck pain. I have one knee with no cartilage and the other is totally replaced. I have been taking  Heal-n-Soothe for about 3 months and now most days I can do better than one step at a time without pain. I can now climb the stairs! Sandra Smith, Illinois" … Read More

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Carl Rosner, NJ

"I have arthritis of the right knee and high blood pressure which is controlled. I have been suffering from arthritis in both my shoulders since September 2020. My shoulders restricted me so that I was in pain if I tried to raise my left arm above my shoulder.   I called my Dr and after checking me out said that he doubted … Read More

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Sherlynn Shadduck Barton, NE

"Hi! My name is Sherlynn Shadduck Barton. I have been in lots of pain for over 2 years from arthritis in my knees and 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. I am 66 years old and I have had to quit work because my pain had gotten so bad that I could not even walk for the last 2 months. I have been taking H … Read More

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Brian Rookey (Rook), NV

Miraculous recovery!!! For 10 years I have had pain in my feet. Since taking Heal-n-Soothe and Super Joint Support I have been able to walk without pain, jump rope and run without debilitating pain. I can now stretch without the excruciating pain that felt like my muscles, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue was TEARING … Read More

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