I’ll never forget my experience as an undercover medical device salesman for as long as I live. Knee and hip replacements are a cash cow for doctors and hospitals all over the country. $30,000 to $50,000 is the average, but some hospitals charge up to $223,000. This isn’t the portion owed by the patient mind you, but stagger … Read More
“Who’s Gonna Hire the Guy with the Limp?” (How Steven Saved His Knees and His Job)
With a recession looming in today’s economy, people are worried about their financial security more than ever. And for most people, their job is their lifeline. If that lifeline gets cut, financial ruin soon follows. The average American has a bank account balance of just $5,300. This means if most Americans lose th … Read More
These 6 Bad Habits Are Making Your Knee Pain WORSE

BREAKING NEWS: Research Reveals the “Holy Trinity” Miracle for Super Fast and Everlasting Joint Relief Nearly 20 percent of U.S. adults experience knee pain.[i] Knee pain can become increasingly painful over time and even lead to joint damage and disability if left untreated. Injuries often cause knee pain, but we tend t … Read More