Let's face it, we all have days or moments where we feel like we just don't have the time or energy to get in that workout, do that back pain stretch... or finish that project we have been putting off. I have a video that will change the way you think about how "hard" your life is, or how "difficult" your job can be. This … Read More
Should You Be Scared of the Sun?
Sunny weather means picnics, camping, swimming, hiking, and as many other outdoor activities as possible. But look outside on a warm day. You might be surprised how many people covered up in hats, scarves, and sunglasses religiously slather on gallons of thick, white sunscreen. Believe it or not, sunshine is good for you. In … Read More
The lies on TV are making people fat
By, Isabel De Los Rios Most people who know me, know I am not a TV watcher. Actually, I don't even have cable at home (A rare thing these days, I know.) Very often, I have no idea which show is the "latest craze" and which commercials are all the rave. Last week the TV did catch my attention. I was at my parent's house … Read More
Is It Possible To Reverse Diabetes?

Do you have diabetes and have to constantly monitor your blood sugar or have serious blood sugar and insulin imbalances? Do you have elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and increased triglyceride levels? If so, you may enjoy this extraordinary story of one my patient's quite interesting. One evening after a … Read More
Healing Herbs: Boswellia
Boswellia is a natural inflammation-fighting gum resin extract derived from the Boswellia serrata tree, common to India. It is also known as "Indian Frankincense." For centuries, the tree's fragrant, gummy sap, called "oleoresin", has been tapped for its medicinal properties. It has proven especially valuable for arthritis a … Read More
Reduced Salt: Bad for Your Health?
Hold onto your pickles. The great American nanny state is at it again. This time the government wants to make sure you don't eat too much salt. Most people would readily agree there is too much salt in processed foods. That an increase in salt corresponds to an increase in blood pressure. And that Americans, as well as ci … Read More
Do I have Sciatica? What Is Sciatica?

https://losethebackpain.com/conditions/sciatica - Do I have Sciatica? What is Sciatica? Have you been having strange painful sensations in your lower back and leg? Do you think that you have sciatica but you still aren't quite sure what it is or what could be causing it? Watch as leading back expert, Jesse Cannone of LoseThe … Read More
Written By: April 19,2010
Obama's New Health Care Plan
We the People of the United States received some of the "change" voted for during the last election cycle. Of course I'm talking about the passage of President Obama's health care reform bill last month. I admit I haven't personally read and understood all 2,409 pages of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. But si … Read More
Treatment for Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is the medical name for what happens when the spaces between the spine begin to narrow, which in turn place pressure on your spine as well as the nerves that travel through and around the spine. Although it may occur in the middle region of the back, also known as the thoracic section, spinal stenosis most of … Read More
Alkaline Diet Benefits
"Imagine a Diet So Simple, It Makes You Feel Incredible In Just 3 Days!" Hello, my name is Michael Murray. Back in the summer of 2002, there wasn't one day where I didn't ask myself, "Can I ever stop feeling so sick and tired?" That was how I felt pretty much every morning at age 32! Every joint and muscle in my b … Read More