Dr. Oz on Inversion Therapy

Did you see the recent episode of the Dr. Oz show where he talked about inversion therapy and it's benefits? Even traditionally trained, mainstream doctors like Dr. Oz are finally starting to catch on (but boy are they slow!) to inversion therapy for treating all sorts of back and sciatic pain. Plus, not only can it help el … Read More

Filed Under: Inversion Therapy, Video
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Make Stretching A Priority

For many of us, myself included, fear is why we don’t do many of the things we need to do to be healthy, to be successful or to be happy. For example there was a period in my life when I didn’t stretch as I should have because I was afraid. Afraid of what, I couldn’t say. Then I made some major changes in my life, starting … Read More

Filed Under: Stretching
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,


People don't make you angry, thoughts make you angry. You can't be angry unless you think the thoughts that make you angry. If you win the lottery in the morning, who's going to make you angry that day? No one. No matter what they say to you, you aren't going to think about them. You are going to be thinking of your winnings … Read More

Filed Under: Motivation and Inspiration
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Are You a People Pleaser?

Most people are programmed to please. They spend their lives trying to live up to other people's expectations. Of course, they secretly resent those people for that. Reverse your programming: Make what you want be important! Nathaniel Branden said, "Chances are, when you were young, you were told, in effect, 'Listen, kid, he … Read More

Filed Under: Motivation and Inspiration
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Does Your Spinal Stenosis Require Fusion Surgery?

Has chronic back pain been a part of your life for as long as you can remember? Are you still struggling to find a treatment that works? If so, you should speak with your physician and request a check for spinal stenosis. Often the initial diagnosis for a back problem is wrong. Not because the physician is incompetent but be … Read More

Filed Under: Spinal Fusion
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Fat Loss Quickie

Author Scott Tousignant has created a sensational program called "Fat Loss Quickie".. Download "Fat Loss Quickie" Now! … Read More

Filed Under: Weight Loss
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Pain Relief in the Produce Aisle

If you're looking for pain relief you might find it at your local grocery store. Not in the pharmacy or over-the-counter medicine aisle, but discreetly tucked into the produce section. The people of Guadeloupe introduced Christopher Columbus to this tasty tropical healer in 1493, but native South and Central American tribes … Read More

Filed Under: Pain and Inflammation
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Obama's New Health Care Plan

We the People of the United States received some of the "change" voted for during the last election cycle. Of course I'm talking about the passage of President Obama's health care reform bill last month. I admit I haven't personally read and understood all 2,409 pages of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. But si … Read More

Filed Under: Health Politics
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Is Facet Joint Syndrome Causing Your Neck & Back Pain?

Facet joints are those that connect the vertebra allowing you to twist and bed, thanks to their slick surface. Even more important however, facet joints work to avoid spinal cord injuries by disallowing us from twisting or bending too far. This inhibited range of motion is a protective measure for the spinal cord. When face … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain, Video
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

The Secret to True Health and Wellness

The "Western" approach to health care and medicine is truly pathetic once you know better. And boy will you know better once you watch these videos we've put together for you! Discover how to stop treating just the symptoms and how to identify and address all of the hidden causes and contributors to your pain, sickness or … Read More

Filed Under: General Health, Video
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,