Will Massage Help Your Back Pain?

Massage therapy has become an increasingly popular treatment for back pain. But is massage merely a short-term "feel good" remedy or does it actually help your back? Let's start by remembering that most back pain begins with problems in the musculoskeletal system such as muscle imbalances and trigger points. Since massage … Read More

Filed Under: Massage Therapy
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Are You a Winner or a Loser?

By Jesse Cannone I received this amazing checklist from success coach Steve Chandler today, who received it from martial artist Peter Ragnar. As soon as I saw this I immediately thought of you. Every single item on the list below could easily be applied to any area of your life: Relationships Business Sports Health S … Read More

Filed Under: Motivation and Inspiration
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Is "Bad Blood" the Cause of Your Back Pain?

By Dr. Mark Wiley We all know that blood circulates in our bodies. But what you may not know is that aside from being a vital nutritive substance blood can also be a cause of pain. In fact, many forms of pain, illness and disease can be linked to, or are caused by, what I refer to as "bad blood." Bad blood is when bloo … Read More

Filed Under: Blood PH
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Determination: Inspired Bicycles

I first saw this video over a year ago and was simply amazed. Bicyclist Danny MacAskill does stuff on his bike that is flat out unbelievable. At least until you see it with your own eyes. But that's the point, isn't it? Most people wouldn't think the real-life skills Danny shows off in this video are possible. Others woul … Read More

Filed Under: Motivation and Inspiration, Video
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Deep Breathing for Pain Relief

Wouldn't it be nice if the next time you find yourself in pain you had a fast-acting, totally safe and 100% free natural medicine right next to you? Guess what. You already do. Take a dose by slowly inhaling a deep breath of fresh air. Slowly let it out. There. Feel a little better already, don't you? Chronic oxygen depriv … Read More

Filed Under: Pain Relief
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Chronic Disease From Your Teeth

Many of us have experienced a dental infection before. Who can forget the pain, pressure and swelling around an abscessed tooth or cavity? We all know our teeth are important for eating. What you may not realize is they also play a major role in your overall health. But don't count on tooth pain to clue you in to a problem. … Read More

Filed Under: General Health
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

World’s Most Dangerous Drug?

I was reading this week about a woman in New Hampshire suing a major pharmaceutical company for $24 million in damages. We've become an overly lawsuit happy society, but as I read the details of this one I couldn't help but think this lady has a serious case. Karen Bartlett, who was an otherwise healthy 45-year old wo … Read More

Filed Under: Medications
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Hulk Hogan Sidelined by Back Pain

Professional wrestler Hulk Hogan was sidelined by back pain again this week. According to a video he posted on TwitVid yesterday, severe back muscle spasms from his hip to his middle back totally overwhelmed the Hulkster about 3AM Monday morning, sending him to local Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, Florida. Hulk Hogan, … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Reflexology: Press Away Your Pain

  Ultra Powerful Pain Reliever (still legal)   A full quarter of all the bones in your body are in your feet - more than 50 of them. Take a closer look... straight down. There they are. Maybe you've underestimated these two distinctive members of your body. On an average day you walk around and pound on them … Read More

Filed Under: Reflexology, Video
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Alexander Technique for Back Pain

If you suffer from lower back pain, you're not alone. Lower back pain ranks only below the common cold as a leading cause of missed work hours by American workers. According to the National Institutes of Health, as many as a quarter of all American adults will experience back pain over any given 3-month period. While there … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,