Lower back bulging discs are a common problem in middle aged groups. This is largely due to the bone degeneration and stiffness that accompanies aging, particularly in people who do not follow a fitness program. Scientific research has demonstrated that people who exercise on a regular basis experience less back problems tha … Read More
Lumbar Disc Pain
Lumbar disc pain occurs when one of the discs in the lower back becomes herniated or ruptures and starts pressing on nearby nerves and sensitive areas. The spinal column is cushioned by gelatinous discs that help absorb the impact of regular movements like walking, turning and shifting. Over time, these discs degenerate and … Read More
Lower Back Ache
Did you know that back pain is the second most common cause of absenteeism at work in the US? Many people suffer long terms effects from a lower back injury—whether from a strain or sprain. Once you injure your lower back, intermittent aches well after you heal can be expected, because of the sensitive nerves that are locat … Read More
Low Back Pain
Dealing with pain is never easy—and low back pain is one of the worst. For many people, it is chronic, and doesn't end. There are many methods of dealing with it, and ways to make it worse. Finding out the back pain was caused in the first place is part of the solution in getting rid of it. First, figure out the true cause … Read More
Swimming Can Relieve Low Back Pain
Suffering from back pain is unnecessary when you realize just how many exercises you can do to relieve back pain. If you have been suffering from back pain that has persisted for more than a few weeks you will need to see a physician before you begin any type of exercise program. Beginning an exercise program before getting … Read More
Low Back Pain Relief
If you have read any other articles on our website you will have already learned that back pain is much more complicated than just bending down the wrong way, or lifting a heavy box. There are several causes of lower back pain, and it would be wise for you to first visit the lower back pain section of our website by clickin … Read More
Low Back Pain and Pilates Exercises
Pilates is a method of exercise that was developed in Germany by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century to improve his own health and the health of his colleagues. Pilates emphasizes using the mind to control the muscles of the body. In particular, Pilates focuses on strengthening the core muscles which work to keep the bo … Read More
Low Back Pain and Electrical Stimulation
Many have questions about a common treatment for lower back pain - electrical stimulation. "Is it safe?," people wonder. How does it work? And perhaps most important, is it effective? The most common way of applying electrical stimulation to the back for pain relief is via a TENS unit. TENS stands for Transcutaneous (which … Read More
Do Bowel Problems Cause Low Back Pain?

It's not uncommon to experience low back pain and bowel problems at the same time. Low back pain and bowel problems are occasionally linked, as they are both in close proximity to one another. And, remedying one can often relieve the other. The key to relieving low back pain and bowel problems is finding the source … Read More
Low Back and Leg Pain
Low back and leg pain can be the result of a pinched nerve. Often, when pain radiates from the low back down the extremities a pinched nerve is to blame. In fact, the sciatic nerve is one of the largest nerve systems in the human body, and if any portion of it gets compressed it can send pain shooting all over the lower port … Read More