There aren’t many issues that can disrupt life more than back pain. Since back pain can make it difficult to perform basic functions such as walking, it can inhibit your ability to work, sleep and even sit down comfortably. If left untreated, mild back pain can become severe, debilitating back pain. But what is the differenc … Read More
7 Surprising Back Pain Mistakes

By Jesse Cannone In working with tens of thousands of clients over the years at the Healthy Back Institute®, we have found there are a number of common mistakes people make in trying to find relief from back pain. I would like you to read all about 7 mistakes I have identified and consider which of these mistakes you a … Read More
Identifying The Symptoms Of Back Pain
Most of us have experienced that unexpected jolt of pain after bending to fast or standing from a sitting position too quickly. It comes on strong and then just as quickly, it’s gone. It’s scary and you have no idea what to do; does it mean you are developing back pain or was it just a fluke? The honest answer is that you ca … Read More
Relief from Back Pain
If you are suffering from back pain, all you strive for, I’m sure, is finding lasting relief from back pain. Back pain can be such a debilitating condition and affects such a large portion of the population. Whether you are suffering from acute or chronic back pain, there is relief in sight. We will go over a few of the most … Read More
What are the Symptoms of Back Pain
Back pain is a very common occurrence these days. More and more doctors are seeing patients with lower back pain complaints. In fact, it is estimated that 4 out of 5 adults will experience back pain at one point in their lifetime. The lower back connects our upper body to our lower body and performs all sorts of movements su … Read More
Symptoms of Low Back Pain
Any form of pain in the body is downright uncomfortable and well, painful! And if you are experiencing symptoms of low back pain, then you know what I’m talking about. Lower back pain is the most common forms of back pain and it can be experienced as a mild ache, sharp stabbing pain, or severe debilitating pain. If you are e … Read More
Lumbar Back Pain Exercises
Lumbar back pain is usually the result of injury to the muscles, ligaments, and discs that support your spine because of repetitive movements, sustained positions, stress and inflammation in joints close to spinal nerve, arthritis or aging. It is always advisable to get a proper assessment of the extent of the injury before … Read More
Low Back Pain Causes
The causes of low back pain can be many, including overuse, muscle strain, and injury to the muscles, ligaments, and discs that support your spine. Over time, these can lead to muscle imbalances in your back making it prone to injury or re-injury. Low back pain causes tend to add on to each other. For example, after strain … Read More
Treat Low Back Pain With Exercise
Lower back pain is more than uncomfortable: it can make you feel depressed and useless. Everyday tasks such as going to work, cooking and walking can become a physical and mental challenge. The only way to feel whole again is to acknowledge the pain, recognize the symptoms and begin back pain therapy right away. In addition … Read More
Tailbone Pain Causes

Tailbone pain can be an especially uncomfortable form of back pain due to the fact that a majority of our time is spent sitting or sleeping. In both of these instances, the tailbone can become more irritated if the tailbone comes in contact with the seat surface. The tailbone, when injured, becomes an extremely sensitive … Read More