Stephen Benjamin

"Ok, so it's 2 months since I started on Heal n Soothe. I have Stero Negative Rheumatois Arthritis and have been on drugs including low grade chemo steroids and a larger dose of Sulpher. I had lost 20 kgs in 18 months and had no appetite. I saw a mate who told me about some alternatives and I researched all the things he had … Read More

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Brenda Wing, Australia

"I suffer pain from middle back, neck, shoulders, and ankle pain from a prior break... Strong prescribed medication for this. About 2 months ago decided I wanted to get rid of prescription medication. Your emails kept popping into my inbox, so decided to give your Heal-n-Soothe a try. For a month now I've been prescription d … Read More

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Top 12 Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Stop Joint Pain Bonus Content: The 5 Worst Foods for Arthritis and Joint Pain If you suffer from joint pain... Then you might already know health experts say the single most important thing you can do to feel better... to cool the fires of inflammation in your body. Yet, what mo … Read More

Filed Under: Anti-Inflammatory, Healthy Eating, Pain and Inflammation
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

17 Back Muscles That Cause the Most Back Pain (and how to get relief!)

Back muscles

Bonus Content: The 7-Day Back Pain Cure Back pain is one of the top reasons for missed work and second only to upper-respiratory infections for causing doctor visits. Most of the time, back muscle pain is diagnosed then "treated” with little more than a prescription of rest, painkillers and muscle relaxants. Follow th … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain, Muscle Balance Therapy
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Degenerative Disc Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

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Getting older can be a real pain in the neck… and the back, too. For many people, that pain can be caused when their bones and discs begin to deteriorate. We call this degenerative disc disease. It's also sometimes referred to as spondylosis. Not everyone with degenerative disc disease will have severe pain, but you sh … Read More

Filed Under: Conditions, Disk Disease, Herniated Disc
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Susan Prosser

"I am a 66 year old woman who has had body pain for 20 years, which was loosely diagnosed as fibromyalgia by a naturopath. I have always been prone to lower back pain as well. I have always exercised, but I pay for it and have taken many Advil over the years. In November 2017, I added Ball Room Dancing to my regime (which wa … Read More

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Pat Hendrickson

“I got onto Turmeric when taking a fitness class for Seniors when another lady suggested it to me. I found the turmeric was helpful, after taking it for several months I could tell a difference. I got to looking at other natural remedies and discovered your products. It's been well over a year using them and I have a number … Read More

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Gail Lopez

I would first like to take the time to start out by thanking God for directing my path to the HBI website. For the last couple of years I have been dealing with pain in both knees, to the point that I even went to the emergency room 2 years ago because my left leg swelled and the pain was unbearable. I had an ultra sound to … Read More

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When You Eat THESE Common “Trigger Foods”… Your Bones and Joints Go Under “Microscopic Attack”… And That’s Why You Hurt!

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You’ve probably heard the phrase… “You are what you eat!” Most people hear that and think about how foods like donuts, pizza, and cookies cause them to pack on the pounds… But recent research shows the foods you eat every day have a massive impact on inflammation, joint pain, and your overall quality of life. Sc … Read More

Filed Under: Healthy Eating
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Is Boswellia Good for Arthritis and Joint Pain?

Suffering from joint pain or arthritis stinks. And when you’re in that much pain, day in and day out, you’re willing to do and try just about anything for relief. I get it. But when I look at Big Pharma’s options for joint pain relief and arthritis, it sends a chill down my spine. The list of dangerous side effec … Read More

Filed Under: Arthritis, Supplements
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,