Why Doctors Are Dead WRONG About Arthritis and Joint Pain (#1 Cause is Actually Protein!)

If you’re like most people, when you think of protein, you probably picture some of your favorite foods. A sizzling steak fresh off the grill… Delicious chicken BBQ… Or a rack of mouth-watering ribs. (I’m getting hungry just writing about them!) But that’s not the type of protein I’m talking about here. Unfort … Read More

Filed Under: Arthritis, Heal-n-Soothe
Written By: admin,

What’s Your Inflammation Score? Answer These 3 Questions to Find Out

As you probably know, inflammation is a major culprit in chronic joint pain. More inflammation typically means more pain. But how do you know how much inflammation you have? Not everyone with stiff and aching joints experiences the same levels of inflammation. Well, this simple 3 question quiz is a great starting point. … Read More

Filed Under: Anti-Inflammatory, Heal-n-Soothe, Pain and Inflammation
Written By: admin,

What Do Cancer, Heart Disease, and Arthritis All Have in Common?

What do cancer, heart disease, and arthritis have in common? As it turns out, they all involve a “sticky” protein called fibrin. You see, fibrin is a double-edged sword. It’s a natural protein produced in the liver that circulates throughout the bloodstream. One of the main functions of fibrin is to help form blood clo … Read More

Filed Under: Anti-Inflammatory, Arthritis, Articles, Cancer, Heal-n-Soothe, High Blood Pressure
Written By: admin,

Lilian Rogers, DE

For around 15 years I have suffered from old injuries to my back and neck. I have arthritis with hip, neck, knee and foot pain as well as lower, upper and mid back pain. I have taken supplements, plus regular visits to the chiropractor to try to mitigate the pain. Within a year of taking Heal-n-Soothe, it restored my mobilit … Read More

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Yves Clermont, Canada

I have been in pain for 20 years and have osteoarthritis and hemorrhoids. I was about to get an operation for my hemorrhoids. However, since I have been taking  Heal-n-Soothe over the past couple of months they are almost 95% gone. I am positive that it is the Heal-n-Soothe that did it.  I am now back playing hockey. Thanks, … Read More

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Kimberly Francois, Ohio

I had knee surgery and 6 months afterward I was still in pain and had a lot of swelling. The doctors said I just have to learn to live with it and I might have arthritis. After one week of taking Heal-n-Soothe I was amazed at how much better I felt. All activities are easier, especially climbing stairs and cleaning the house … Read More

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Mario Arreaga, CA

Hello! Im Mario Arreaga from Pasadena,Ca. I have neck pain (herniated discs) and lower back pain (Degenerative Disc Disease) and have been in pain for 40 years.   I ordered a multiple bottle supply of Heal-n-Soothe to take a maximum dosage for the soonest results and have now been taking it for 2-3 months. Thankfully I’v … Read More

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Jutta P, Australia

I have arthritis and started having pain in my left knee about 5 years ago. I had a procedure that improved the situation for a few years but then it gradually got worse and last year the right knee started to hurt as well. With Covid on the rise, it was difficult to see doctors. I looked up the internet for alternative medi … Read More

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Jose Assumpcao, St. Kitts and Nevis

Dear Jesse,  I recently found Heal-and-Soothe on broad research I conducted on the internet. I was searching for anything which could improve my well-being in relation to my back and knee pain, which I have had for 16 years. When I found the Heal-n-Soothe promotional video and very patiently watched it completely, I was conv … Read More

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Kelley Estores, Hawaii

I would like to let you know how I am doing these days with my pain situation and ask you one question. Have you guys ever heard about Heal-n-Soothe capsules before? It is all-natural for arthritis and joint pain. I have been taking them for 2 weeks now and also stopped my arthritis meds and Tylenol on the same day and I hav … Read More

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