BONUS CONTENT: 7-Day Meal Plan for Ultimate Pain Relief
In these challenging times, we need to be smart about what we eat. Each bite has the power to either reliever or aggravate joint and arthritis pain.
That’s because certain foods can cause inflammation and others can relieve inflammation.
RELATED: The 5 Worst Foods for Arthritis and Joint Pain
In the video below, I cover 12 of the top foods that literally turn off inflammation and drain it from the body. These foods also support healthy growth in the body.
Let me begin with the caveat: If you have allergies to any foods that I talk about, use your best judgment.
If you have a oral on a medical diet, use your best judgment, because I will make general statements about foods that may not apply to you.
When you plan your next grocery haul, considering adding these anti-inflammatory foods to your list.
Next up…
5 WORST Foods to Eat if You Have Arthritis or Joint Pain
6 Essential Foods for Healthy Lungs
How I get relief pain from my finger
Antonia, Here are my top 5 suggestions
1. Diet
2. Exercise
3. Supplement for Joints
4. Compression Gloves
5. Minimize executive Stress on the hands and fingers
If you implement all 5 of these there is no way you can not benefit.
Thank you Steve. I live in Northern Ireland. I have started to take Heal-n-Soothe 3 days ago after having back pain for 2 years treated by conservative medicine which has not helped. I am really hoping that it will help relieve my pain. I will also follow your advice about diet.
Unfortunately growing up in Ireland I love ‘spuds’ as we call potatoes, but I will have to reduce the number I eat. I do like fish and will try to get fish which is not farmed. I live near the sea so this should be possible.
Wishing you every blessing in your work.
I say switch from one root vet to any other (Carrots, Onions, Garlic)…
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