Attention pain sufferers…

Find Out Which Are Safe and
Which Can Be Deadly…
Dangerous Pain Meds #5: Salicylates (Aspirin)
Common names: aspirin, acetylsalicylate
Think aspirin is safe? Think again!
Higher doses or prolonged use at the lower dose ‘ even in buffered or coated form ‘ can double your likelihood of perforated ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding.
Research shows 90-95% of Reye’s Syndrome cases were preceded by taking aspirin. The disease devastates internal organs, particularly the brain and liver, and at least 10% of those affected will die even with early treatment.
Dangerous Pain Meds #4: Acetaminophen
Common names: Tylenol, acetaminophen
Even the “doctor’s choice” is disturbingly dangerous to take! Just check out these stats if you don’t believe me…

Every year, more than 56,000 people will visit the emergency room due to acetaminophen overdoses. It’s the leading cause of calls to Poison Control Centers.
It’s the leading cause of acute liver failure, causing nearly half of all cases!
Dangerous Pain Meds #3: Opiate-Based Pain Meds
Common names: Vicodin, Lorcet, Norco, Percocet, Percodan, hydrocodone,oxycodone
If you’ve ever had surgery, a major accident, or any other major trauma to your body… you were likely given an opiate-based pain med to knock out the pain.
Unfortunately, knocking out the pain has it’s consequences!
16,000 – That’s the number of people who died in the United States in one year from drug overdoses. Most were caused by opiates.
In 2002… deaths from prescription opiate overdoses had nearly doubled.
Dangerous Pain Medicine #2: NSAIDs
Common names: Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen, naproxen
Do you have some kind of chronic pain? Arthritis… back pain… neck pain… something else?
Chances are you’ve been taking one of the common NSAIDs like ibuprofen or
naproxen to deal with the pain. 
And speaking of chances…
The odds of dying from taking a nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drug after just two months is around 1 in 1,200.
Roughly 16,685 people die each year from NSAID related complications… making them just as dangerous as AIDS!
biggest known risk of
NSAIDs is from gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding.
We’re not talking about a little tummy ache here, but severe bleeding and possibly death after the medicine destroys your gut. And that’s not the only known risk.
What’s The #1: Most Dangerous Pain Medicine?
How would you like to triple your risk of heart attack?
The good news is, there are many pain relievers that are just as effective, but don’t come with the harsh side-effects and dangers.
After 7 years of research and development, we have uncovered 12 of the most potent and natural pain relievers in the world.
We’ve combined them into the most effective anti-inflammatory and natural pain reliever.
Click on the link below to see what they are and learn what the #1 Most Dangerous Pain Medicine is…
What. To do for paun after neck surgery in oain 24 7
I would love to get off pain pills to something natural! Plus it is a pain and expensive to go to a pain clinic every month. 3-4 months of the year I go north to me daughter and grandchildren and have to take LESS pain pills than prescibed all year so I can something for the pain. It is chronic for many years, pervasive and debilitating. HElP!
I have had no less than 5 back surgeries, 8 levels fused in my back and 4 in my neck . The surgeries were done by a very accomplished Doctor. L3-4, 4-5, S-1. Then after 2 years and a very drunk young lady who drove through my car ,The next 5 levels were then fused this time not with titanium plates pins and screws. I was opened up by a 6 inch incision from the lower stomach on up. The good doctor removed all of the hardware and removed all organs to allow him to place wedges between the discs. I may have been the last one to undergo this method of repair, Now a small incision is made on the side. Also,my right shoulder was filled with arthritis in the rotator cup.The procedure to repair was supposed to be a simple 45 minute procedure. Nearly 3 hours later I awoke to a very frustrated doc. who informed me that he had taken 1 inch 3cm. off my collar bone to replace the collar bone into the rotator cuff. Well after all of this and many years spent on pain meds 2006 to the present day. Recently, I was the recipient of what turned out to be the worst total knee replacement perhaps of this decade. I would take you into the details ,however, they really make me furious. Well once again need meets arrogance and presently I have been fortunate to now discussing repair possibilities with a very accomplished man and a very conservative practitioner. That leaves me here to this article. As of the past 4 months I have made an investment into Northstar Nutrionals. Alan Spreen, Rothfeld,Stengler.I have studied their tutorials and I have been surprised by their effectiveness, a recent visit to my cardiologist, Left him very confused. I who was rushed to the hospital to deal with 3 almost totally blocked arteries, who had leaky valves, and woke to the doctor doing the stint procedure, screaming at the top of his voice,. this man should have had Open Heart Surgery. Seems that he was unsuccessful In placing the third stint in the lower left chamber artery, this had blown out the bottom nearly 21 years before. When I went down in the pharmacy at our local wal-mart,I rushed in believing I had the worst case of heart burn ever,Turned up a bottle of mallox and just slightly before i had told the pharmacist I fully intended to pay for the bottle I just needed it now. The last thing I remember was the E.M.T. flipping me over and pitching 2 aspirins into my mouth. 5 days later I awoke to find I was being transferred to another hospital. Where the heart doctor had privileges . Well a hell of a story, and despite all this I am still here, believing that I will go when I am damn well good and ready. Sincerely RON WEST.
Hi Ron,
You may like to consider getting yourself a copy of and reading our book the “7 Day Back Pain Cure”.
We feel education is key to understanding and addressing back pain issues. The book discusses back pain, sciatica and related conditions, pain relief methods to try, treatment options, causes of back pain/sciatica, pain relief action plans and other useful information related to back pain.
Please read more details about the 7 Day Back Pain Cure book via the link below
We are also going to send you a private email so please look out for it.
Our Best Wishes, Thank you
Admin (The Healthy Back Institute)
Rochelle, I would suggest several options:
1. In order to control scar tissue accumulation, I would start Heal n Soothe ASAP
2. In order to restore strength and full range of motion in your neck, I would suggest our Lose the Neck Pain program.