What Every Joint Pain Sufferer Should Know About Collagen

When it comes to collagen, people are obsessed these days — with good reason.

You see, collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It’s basically the glue that holds your body together.

Most importantly for those with sore joints, collagen helps form the cartilage in your joints designed to make effortless movement possible. Cartilage is also a vital part of the discs that cushion the bones in your spine.

Unfortunately, aging isn’t kind to joints or intervertebral discs. Over the years, cartilage erodes. This is especially true if you’ve suffered injuries, worked at a job that puts strain on your joints, or if you carry extra weight.

You’ve probably seen many collagen brands for sale. Maybe you or someone you know is already using a collagen product to help with joint pain. But odds are, you failed to find the relief you were promised.

Here’s the truth: most collagen supplements on the market today use low-quality protein that has yet to be proven in clinical studies. So instead of easing your joint pain, they’re just wasting your money.

So what should you look for in a collagen supplement?

First of all, you need to find a collagen protein backed by both in vitro and in vivo studies. In doctor’s lingo, this means that collagen has been proven effective in both lab settings and in humans.

This ensures the collagen works in your body to help restore mobility, cushion your joints, and support smooth movement — no matter whether you’re 40, 60, or 80.

In the video below, you’ll discover an advanced collagen that meets these criteria and stands out from the competition. It’s a unique, trademarked collagen product that can help your body build brand-new cartilage, as shown in clinical studies.

Dr. Brian Paris, who has helped those with painful joints for over 20 years, is often asked by his patients how collagen can help their condition.

He emphasizes three things to look for when choosing an effective collagen supplement.

The Science of Choosing the Right Collagen

1.     Clinically Backed Research

First of all, Dr. Paris looks to see whether the collagen is backed by research that proves it works (remember those in vitro and in vivo studies). Most brands skip this part, but it’s crucial. Without this evidence, how can you trust it will actually help your joints?

2.     Molecular Size Matters

The next thing to check is the size of the collagen molecule. You see, collagen molecules are often too large to be absorbed effectively by your cells. That’s why you need hydrolyzed collagen. This means that the molecules have been broken down into smaller pieces, allowing them to slip right into the cells inside your joints. This is a major factor in providing the relief you’re seeking.

3.     The Power of Vitamin C

Finally, vitamin C plays a crucial role in creating collagen. Your joints need it to build and maintain cartilage. But here’s the catch: Vitamin C is notoriously hard for our bodies to absorb. That’s why Dr. Paris recommends a highly absorbable, trademarked version to ensure you’re getting exactly what your joints need.

Unfortunately, Dr. Paris was unable to find any collagen supplements on the market that checked all these boxes. That’s why he decided to create his own.

Introducing: My Daily Collagen

My Daily Collagen is a next-generation supplement that directly targets the cells responsible for creating new joint cartilage. 

Healthy new cartilage is now possible thanks to Fortigel®, a trademarked, hydrolyzed collagen. Fortigel has been proven to reduce joint pain by 38% in just 12 weeks, and even decrease the need for additional pain relief therapy by nearly 60%. That’s huge!

But that’s not all. My Daily Collagen also contains 90 mg of Pureway-C, a patented form of vitamin C that your body absorbs more efficiently. Pureway-C has a 233% higher retention rate in the body, and is 2.5 times more effective at fighting inflammation than other types of vitamin C.

My Daily Collagen is also:

  • Free of common allergens (no egg, milk, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, soy, wheat, sesame, or shellfish)
  • Gluten-free, non-GMO, sugar-free, fat-free, and suitable for paleo or keto diets
  •  Sourced from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows in the U.S. and Canada

If you’d like to see what this one-of-a-kind collagen formula can do for you and your joints, just watch the video below for more information.

You’ll discover why this could be the new gold standard of at-home joint pain treatment.

And you’ll understand why thousands of folks with unhappy joints are flocking toward this method that gives their joints what they need to rebuild themselves from the inside out.

Click Here to See How You Can
Regenerate Joint Cartilage Naturally

Filed Under: Back Pain
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