The 12 Worst Jobs for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common ailments presented in physicians' offices yearly. Spinal compression, muscle imbalances, pinched or irritated nerves, muscle spasms, trigger points, stress, slips and falls... they all contribute to and can be created by back pain. If we look at the possible causes of back pain, we can … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

The 5 Most Dangerous Pain Medications

  Attention pain sufferers... Find Out Which Are Safe and Which Can Be Deadly... Dangerous Pain Meds #5: Salicylates (Aspirin) Common names: aspirin, acetylsalicylate Think aspirin is safe? Think again! Higher doses or prolonged use at the lower dose ' even in buffered or coated form ' can double your likel … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Why Are Doctors Doling Out Rat Poison to Millions of Boomers?

rat poison

Is this Hidden Danger In Your Medicine Cabinet? You might be surprised to know one of America’s most prescribed drugs... also found in the pest control aisle at Home Depot. I’m serious. Drug companies say it’s harmless to humans. Yet, studies link it to fatal internal bleeding, kidney failure, increased ris … Read More

Filed Under: Medications
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

“The effect was quite fast”

“I came across Heal-n-Soothe in Facebook when Jesse Cannone is introducing the "". I hesitated whether to request for the free trial bottle of “Heal-n-Soothe”.  Finally I requested for it and it was delivered to me on the 21 July 2017. I took 2 capsules before bedtime. The effect was quite fast, I can feel … Read More

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“They deliver effortlessly for me”

"The rub on relief cream is amazing and works literally within 10 minutes. The Heal and Soothe has been a life saver for my arthritis and the Super Joint Support have made a huge difference in my knee and back pain. I was able to set up the Heal and Soothe and the Super Joint Support on auto renew so they deliver effortlessl … Read More

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How long can I use the heating pad?

You can use the pad as often and for as long as you like. Many customers like to use it to help them relax and soothe aches and pains throughout their day, while others like to use the pad to help expedite the healing process of an injury. The more you use it the more relaxed and revitalized you will feel. Please understa … Read More

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This seems to be the perfect combination for me

My back problems are long-standing and I get pain from carrying the lightest thing in front of me and also from standing for long periods. One would think that lying in bed would ease the pain, but it makes it even more noticeable. I began taking “Heal-N-Soothe” and had less pain in my back but that made my hip bursitis more … Read More

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What other products work well with Rub On Relief®?

We have three additional products that support joint function: Heal-n-Soothe, Super Joint Support, and My Daily Collagen. All of these products would be great additions to a complete joint support protocol. … Read More

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Written By: Lucas Choate,

The 10 Supplements Everyone (Really) Needs

False Claims

Americans spent $13 billion on dietary supplements in 2013, and such spending is expected to increase to more than $15 billion by 2019.[i] Meanwhile, just walking down the supplement aisle(s) at your local health food store can be mind-boggling, and rightfully so – there are more than 29,000 different nutritional supplements … Read More

Filed Under: Supplements
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,