Spinal Stenosis Surgery

Spinal stenosis is a condition that can be very uncomfortable and very worrying. Fortunately with advances in modern day surgery, Spinal Stenosis is easily treatable, and can require little rehabilitation time in the hospital. Spinal Stenosis is caused by pressure on the nerves in the spine, usually from the bones, ligament … Read More

Filed Under: Spine
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Spinal Stenosis Pain

Spinal stenosis generally appears in two forms cervical spinal stenosis, which occurs near the neck, and lumbar spinal stenosis, at the lower back, and is a condition that is caused by the narrowing of the space that surrounds the spinal cord or nerves. Thoracic spinal stenosis is located mid-back but is a far less common co … Read More

Filed Under: Spine
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Ruptured Disc Treatment

A ruptured or herniated disc can become very painful when it starts to put pressure on a nearby nerve. Causes can range from a sudden injury to the slow decay of time, and treatments for the condition are nearly as wide ranging. How does a ruptured disc happen? Your spine has a gelatinous disc between each vertebrae. This d … Read More

Filed Under: Herniated Disc
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Spinal Stenosis Decompression

Spinal stenosis happens when the spinal cord and its surrounding nerves become compressed as a result of degeneration. One way to treat the problem is spinal stenosis decompression surgery. However, surgery is not the only option for coping with the condition. Spinal stenosis decompression surgery has a number of approaches … Read More

Filed Under: Spine
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Spinal Fusion Surgical Operation

Spinal fusion, also known as spondylodesis, is an invasive surgical procedure that joins two or more vertebrae together. This procedure can last for several hours and is done using different fusion methods. With one spinal fusion method metal implants are placed and secured to the vertebrae as a means to hold them together w … Read More

Filed Under: Spine
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Running Back Pain

Running is an excellent way to work out the muscles of your body and shed excess weight. Running for some is a pastime and for some other people, they make a career out of it. Running is one of the most accessible methods of exercising because you don't really need equipment, a trainer, a facility or a coach to do it. Most p … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Spinal Fusion Surgery: What You Should Know

Many back pain sufferers worry about chronic back pain that may require surgery as there is often a greater risk associated with surgery. Unfortunately there are some back problems that cannot be fixed by alternative back pain treatments such as massage or physical therapy. Spinal fusion is an example of one such surgery. W … Read More

Filed Under: Spine
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Relieve Lower Right Back Pain By…Stretching?

One of the most disconcerting aspects of back pain is how sudden and severely it strikes. In fact this is one of the reasons lower back pain is so difficult to diagnose. Some patients report simply walking around the kitchen or lifting a pile of laundry or swiveling in a desk chair just before the pain strikes. In particular … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Spinal Fractures and Back Pain

Spinal Fractures and back pain unfortunately go hand in hand. Spinal fractures are in fact a fairly common ailment. Over 700,000 spinal fractures occur in the United States alone. What is a Spinal Fracture? Spinal fractures, also known as vertebral fractures, are the result of weakened bones in the spine.   Simple … Read More

Filed Under: Spine
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is one of loads of effective, all-natural treatments for certain types of chronic lower back pain. Realistically, spinal decompression uses slow, gentle traction to stretch your back and spine thus relieving pressure on spinal discs. Spinal decompression using inversion therapy, chiropractic manual adjus … Read More

Filed Under: Spine
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,