Sciatic Nerve Pain Medication

Sciatic nerve pain is a condition in the lower back. It is pain caused by either an injury to the lower back or just general strain on the lower back. Whatever the cause, sciatic nerve pain is not very pleasant and can be a bit difficult to withstand after a while. However, like all medical conditions there is treatment for sciatic nerve pain. With this medical condition there are certain medications that you can take and thus be in a position to overcome sciatic nerve pain.


There are many types of sciatic nerve pain medication. Most traditional medications for sciatic nerve pain are over the counter medications. Over the counter medications for sciatic nerve pain include anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Advil) and Aleve. The medications should be combined with cold compresses to minimize and eventually eliminate swelling of the nerves. However, over the counter medications might not be strong enough or a sufficient source of sciatic nerve pain relief.

If the pain doesn’t subside and the over the counter medications fail to enable the person to recover one can ask for assistance from a physician. The physician will likely discuss your options and then prescribe a medication that is stronger than over the counter pain relievers. Among the common types of medications given and prescribed are muscle relaxants which release nerve pressure, narcotic drugs that are temporarily used to provide pain relief and antidepressants and anticonvulsant medications which block pain and increase endorphins to alleviate the pain.

Steroids are another form of treating sciatica. The substance cortisone is injected into the epidural cavity to reduce swelling at the source of inflammation. Sometimes these injections are called epidural injections, or epidurals for short.

Sciatic nerve pain medications are usually a short term solution to the sciatic condition. The three treatment options discussed offer benefits but they can also have negative side effects. The over the counter medications can be ineffective after a while and also cause nausea, upset stomach and even ulcers. Prescription medications are effective but they can become addictive and steroids can be harmful to the body by causing damage.

Alternatively, it is always best to seek out an all natural anti-inflammatory medication for sciatic nerve pain. Natural remedies have been proven to provide safe and effective back pain relief. One effective natural anti-inflammatory is Heal-n-Soothe”, which contains powerful pain relieving enzymes which help relieve inflammation in the body. Enzymes are not anti-inflammatory drugs but rather reduce inflammation by neutralizing the bio-chemicals of inflammation to levels where the creation, repair and regeneration of injured tissues can take place. Heal-n-Soothe™ will provide relief from pain without the side effects of prescription medications and NSAIDs.

In order to eliminate this condition completely you will need to also participate in physical therapy on a regular basis in order to help rehabilitate your back and get back to optimal health.

Filed Under: Sciatic Nerve
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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