Neck Pain?

5 Surprising Ways to Heal the Hurt…

You’ve tried everything to get rid of your neck pain: physical therapy, chiropractors, cortisone shots, prescription pain pills — you name it, you’ve done it. So why does your neck still feel like it’s stuck in a vise that’s being turned tighter and tighter?

Notice that all of the tactics you’ve tried focus on the physical. But what if we told you that while these physical fixes are important steps to ditching neck pain, you’re missing what can be one of the biggest contributors to the pain... your mind?

Here’s where we tell you that your neck pain is at least partly in your head. Not that you’re imagining it — though some doctors have probably told you that when they couldn’t figure out the problem — but that your mind and emotions can be keeping you stuck in pain.

In my Lose the Neck Pain program, I detail the mind-over-matter cures for neck pain. But I wanted to share some of my findings here so you can take the first steps to ditching the hurt for good.

Neck Pain Relief Tip 1:
Relax your body and mind to ease neck pain

Sometimes it’s not what you do to relieve neck pain, but what you don’t do. By that I mean you need to take frequent breaks from the busyness of everyday life to rest and relax — and reduce the painful muscle tension that builds up during a stressful day.

Give your body a break by resting often, even if it’s just to take a 10-minute walk during the workday. Other ways to give your mind and body a much-needed rest include:

– Meditation: Closing your eyes and simply focusing on the breath can help you put your pain in perspective, as well as relax painful muscles. Need help getting into the zone? The Meditation Podcast offers free guided meditations that you can download to your MP3 player.

– Sleep: Be sure to log enough sleep during the night that you feel well rested; for most people, this is between 6 and 9 hours. Tiredness can make neck pain seem even worse than it is, and can exacerbate tight muscles in the neck. If you have problems sleeping, don’t miss our 15 Essential Tips for Better Sleep.

– Self-hypnosis: To perform self-hypnosis you’ll enter a deep state of relaxation and then use self-suggestion techniques such as affirmations to reduce pain and achieve positive changes in your life. You can find instructions on how to perform self-hypnosis at Mind Tools. And if you don’t want to go it alone, you can visit a hypnosis practitioner who will walk you through the process.

Neck Pain Relief Tip 2:
Set doable goals to reduce neck pain

Too many people make the mistake of dealing with their neck pain without a plan. It hurts, they put on an ice pack. It hurts again the next day, and they call their doctor. But like anything else in life, banishing neck pain requires you to set goals for getting out of pain and getting your life back — and then to develop a plan that will help you reach those goals.

I go into detail on goal setting in Lose the Neck Pain, but I’d like to share an important aspect of goal-setting that will help you become pain-free: That is, an inspiring goal should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.

Specific: It’s hard to be motivated by a vague goal like “I want to feel better.” So be specific: Do you want to be able to play an hour’s worth of tennis without pain? Do you want your pain to go from a 9 on the pain scale to a 2?

Measurable: If you can measure a goal, you’ll know when you’ve achieved it. The goals we mentioned — being able to play tennis for an hour or reducing pain from a 9 to a 2 — work because you can measure them.

Attainable: A goal needs to be something you can reasonably achieve. Reducing neck pain from a 9 to a 2 overnight: probably not doable. Doing it in three months: Much more realistic

Relevant: Set goals that mean something to you personally. How does reducing neck pain tie into your life values and passions? For example, if being there for your grandkids is one of your life values, getting rid of neck pain so you can play with them is a relevant goal.

Timely: Putting time limits on your goals, instead of saying you’ll achieve them “someday,” will give you something concrete to strive for.

Neck Pain Relief Tip 3:
Educate yourself to find relief from neck pain

John E. Sarno, MD, a Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation Medicine at New York University School of Medicine and author of The Divided Mind: The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders, coined the term Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) — a condition characterized by pain that seems to have no physical cause, especially in the upper neck, back, and shoulders.

In plain English, that means your neck pain can be caused by your mental state.

TMS experts advise that pain-sufferers write out the issues that might be a source of repressed emotions that can lead to pain — and they also recommend education in the psychological and physical aspects of TMS. This education can include empowering written and audio materials like my Lose the Neck Pain program, which offers both types of materials to help neck pain sufferers no matter what their learning style is.

Neck Pain Relief Tip 4:
Banish neck pain by changing your mindset

I know: It’s hard to keep a positive, relaxed outlook when your neck is killing you. But if you let yourself become overwhelmed with negative feelings and stress, it can keep you from healing the pain.

Stress and negative emotions do two nasty things:

– They create tight muscles that lead to painful muscle imbalances.

– They make you feel hopeless and keep you from taking positive action to reduce your neck pain

Consider this popular saying: If think you can’t, you’re right; but if you believe you can, you will!” In other words, if you despair that your neck pain will never go away, you’re creating the very conditions that make that thought true. But if you achieve a positive outlook — your neck pain will go away! — you’ll naturally take steps to make it be so.

I discuss the effects of mindset on neck pain in some detail in Lose the Neck Pain. You can also learn how to beat the stress that keeps you in pain with the tips in my blog post My Top 10 Easy Stress Busters.

Neck Pain Relief Tip 5:
Use Lose the Neck Pain for the Fastest, Simplest Ways to Permanent Relief!

The Lose the Neck Pain program tells you what your doctor and physical therapist won’t: the simple tactics — both physical and mental — you can do on your own, in a few minutes per day, to ease the pain.

I believe in a whole-body approach to pain relief, so you’ll get my specific health and mindset tips to help you not only reduce your pain, but also reduce your weight and improve your overall health and fitness in every area.

Yes, it’ll take a few minutes a day — what worthwhile things have you ever accomplished without some kind of effort? — but everything you need to do is simple and easily done right from the comfort of your own home.

My thorough Lose the Neck Pain package consists of 1 DVD, 3 audios, a reference manual, and 90 days of personal support — plus many more bonuses.

What else you get: No long car drives to the doctor or chiropractor, no expensive pain medications — and no more pain!

neck painClick Here Now to Learn More & Order
The “Lose The Neck Pain” Program



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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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9 thoughts on “Neck Pain?”

  1. yousaf says:

    treatment for cervical dyastonia

  2. Michell Clark says:

    Super program, the highest quality of products on the market – I love Lose the (pain).
    Whiplash injury, plus a shoulder that was “asleep” for years that I wasn’t aware of.
    The insurance ran out just about the time the shoulder unlocked so I was left with all
    the neck pain and on my own for therapy.
    I found this company, sent my information, got the program and am so RELIEVED in
    ALL ways. Simple, no pain exercises that gave me HUGE relief and fast!! I learned how
    to listen to my body, relax, and FEEL what I’m supposed to feel, not pain! Did they save my
    life? Not literally – but in every other way imaginable ! Enzymes: YES! I got the inversion system
    and believe in every product and program they have.
    It was so easy to feel good again- they gave me mobility back and teach me how to keep it. You
    Will lose nothing and gain your life back. I am forever greatful.

  3. Laetitia says:

    Hello to the team,
    Just received my Losethebackpain system by mail today, thanks very much. I am wondering if the losetheneckpain system is necessary especially if I might decide to buy your inversion table.
    Would it not be double or triple system for the same goal? Thanks for your help to make my decision.

    1. Steve says:

      Laetitia, No you do not need both, the Lose the BACK pain system addresses both the upper and lower spine and if you, email me direct I can help you with any additional stretches or exercises you may need…

      That said, the Inversion table is an great took for both, Upper and lower spine and works will with our system.


  4. Venu says:

    My main sources of neck pain are I believe from performing 2 recurrent routine activities,namely sleeping at night and working on the computer,especially the latter.

    An an oldtimer my typing skills are very basic, namely using one finger which forces me to crouch over the keyboard with my neck drooping down and unintentionally dozing off at times with my neck dangling loosely.
    Appreciate suggestions

  5. Estela says:

    Will this program help with cervical spondylosis with myelopathy. I’m trying to stay away from having surgery.

  6. Admin says:

    Hi Estela,
    We would like to suggest you read our back pain book -The 7 Day Back Pain Cure. It has information regarding different treatment options and pain relief methods plus many other useful aspects to help. You can find out more in the link below

    Thank you
    Admin (The Healthy Back Institute)

  7. Betty B says:

    Besides the Heal and Soothe, are there any other natural pain relievers that you would recommend as I am allergic to pineapple?

    Thank you.

  8. Steve HBI Staff says:

    I have more then 20 different natural pain reducing options for you on this page:


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Neck Pain: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Neck pain

Chronic neck pain, also known as cervical pain, can have multiple causes. It can develop as the result of a neck injury sustained after a traumatic incident, like a bad fall or car accident. Other times, neck pain is the result of a muscle strain or muscle imbalances. Even simple activities that are repeated over time, like sitting, reading and working at the computer can cause neck pain.

In this article, we’ll cover the common causes of neck pain, and neck pain treatment options that will provide long-term relief. At the end of this article, we’ll also cover what you should NOT do to treat your neck pain as well as how to prevent neck pain.

Common causes of neck pain

Neck pain, or pain in the cervical spine, is often caused by everyday wear and tear.

Think about the things you do every day. You wake up… maybe sit and have a cup of coffee and read the newspaper. You sit in your car and drive to work. Once you arrive at work, you sit down at your computer.

For hours…

Maybe you make phone calls, enter data, do research…

You may not realize it, but most people who sit all day have poor posture. The slump and slouch in their chairs.

After the long day, you get back in the car and drive home, sit down and have dinner, watch the television and go to bed. Eight hours later, press repeat… the vicious cycle begins again. Fast forward 10 years later and you have a slew of neck problems.

How we look and feel today is the result of years of…

  • Shoulder pain
  • Stiff neck
  • Sharp neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain
  • Numbness & tingling in the hands
  • Weakness in the arms & hands
  • Slumped posture
  • Rounded shoulders
  • Forward head

Are these signs and symptoms that you are experiencing. But why does this occur? How did this happen to me? How can I fix the problem? The basic premise here is that we become accustomed to our environment. Not to mention gravity is working against us.

Our body as a whole will adapt to the positions we place them in on a daily basis. The muscles in the front of our body become tight and the muscles of our upper back (around our shoulder blades) become stretched out and weak. This, in turn, weakens our neck muscles, and our head now drops forward.

The front neck muscles become weak and stretched out, and the back neck muscles become very tight. Remember our head attaches to our neck, and our neck attaches to our upper back and shoulders. There is constant communication among all of the parts and each part relies on the neighbor above and below it.

Some diseases and medical conditions also contribute to chronic and severe neck pain. These include rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer, degenerative disc disease, meningitis, migraines,

Why is neck pain so common?

Muscles function properly when they are in an optimal position. Muscles do NOT work well when they are either stretched out or very tight. When this occurs, the muscles will pull on the bones abnormally and place added stress on the discs and joints in our neck, back and shoulders. If this occurs for a long period of time, our joints become inflamed and the discs may bulge.

When the discs bulge in our spine, they now have a tendency to irritate the nerves. The nerves that supply our shoulders, arms, and hands come from our neck. So, when we experience pain and discomfort in the shoulders, arms and/or hands, the problem may be in our neck or upper back area. If you have chronic neck pain, you may also experience neck stiffness, spasm of the muscles in your upper back, neck or shoulders, and tension headaches.

The good news is that simple changes to your daily routine will dramatically reduce neck pain and neck stiffness and any other related conditions. These simple changes can even help prevent neck pain from happening in the first place.

First, here’s what you need to understand…

The upper back, neck and shoulders as a whole is a very complex group of joints and muscles. The motions that those joints go through are even more complex.

And there’s more…

The curvature of the lower spine plays a vital roll in the position and function of the upper spine, so in order to get the upper back, neck and shoulders to feel right and function properly, you will need to address the entire spine — top to bottom.

Common treatment options for neck pain

Most conventional health-care professionals will recommend some sort of pain relievers as a first plan of action to relieve severe neck pain. Sometimes they’ll prescribe prescription pain pills or a muscle relaxant. Or they may recommend you take over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol), or NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve.)

While pain management is important, it’s not enough… (and I never recommend Big Pharma’s pain relievers. They only mask pain and they have terrible side effects.)

Your doctor may order X-rays, MRIs or CT scans so they can see whats’ going on in the area around your cervical spine. Looking at these tests, your doctor may or may not be able to determine what condition you have. But what these tests definitely WON’T do is tell you what’s CAUSING your condition.

These tests can’t tell you the strength or the flexibility of a muscle. They can’t tell you why your pelvis, spine, neck and shoulders are the way they are… and they certainly cannot tell you how your muscles are out of balance.

The ONLY way to identify your imbalances is to go through a physical assessment designed to look specifically for muscle imbalances and associated postural dysfunctions.

Once you know your postural dysfunctions, it is very easy to work backwards, because each dysfunction has a certain set of imbalances – almost like a syndrome. That is, it repeats itself consistently and predictably at any age, regardless of gender and regardless of activity level.

The only way to correct your imbalances is with very targeted corrective stretches and exercises tailored to you and your condition. The good news is that even in the worst cases; our bodies are never that far out of alignment. But if you are in pain, those imbalances need to be addressed.

Try these exercises for neck pain

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What NOT to do for neck pain relief

I advise everyone not to start any exercise program without first knowing your imbalances. Here’s why: If you start exercising the wrong muscles, you could strengthen a muscle group that is already too strong and worsen the imbalance. You could even stretch a muscle that does not need to be stretched and make your condition worse.

You may think you’re doing yourself a favor by going to the gym and doing yoga or Pilates. You may also think that doing a balanced workout is going to keep you healthy. But that is not the case when your muscles are already out of balance.

Here are some immediate steps you can take right away to relieve neck pain:

  • Stop working out until you know where your imbalances are. The wrong workout will prolong your recovery and keep you in pain.
  • Stop doing the sport or any physical activity that you enjoy doing – running, swimming, golfing, yoga, or Pilates until you know where your imbalances are.
  • Seek professional help from someone who is trained in muscle imbalances and postural dysfunctions – and, no, not all healthcare professionals, including those who specialize in physical therapy, know about this approach.
  • Address your neck pain from many different perspectives because everyone is different and not all outcomes are going to be the same. Look for an approach that addresses your condition from a physical, mental and nutritional perspective.
  • Look for natural alternatives to your NSAIDs. You don’t want to rely on Big pharma’s toxic pain relievers.
  • Keep an open mind about techniques you may not have heard of before, such as Muscle Balance Therapy™
  • Do your homework. Learn about what works and what does not. When is spinal decompression appropriate for the neck? When will spinal manipulations give you the biggest benefit?

Getting started on neck pain treatment

If you have chronic neck pain and have been through the ringer, I know what you’re going to say: “I’ve tried everything… But will Muscle Balance Therapy™ work for me?…My case is different…I don’t have the time… How can something so simple address such a complex issue?”

It’s simple… restoring balance to your body and correcting muscle imbalances is critical to achieving optimal health. That is what we teach our clients and that is what we show our clients.

You can learn everything you need to know about the life-changing therapy in my Lose The Back Pain System.

Some other great treatments option to relieve cervical pain include Trigger Point Therapy, Inversion Therapy, and far-infrared heating pads.

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