People ask me every day, "Can you truly help me live a pain-free life?" I understand why they feel they need to ask. Other reputable healers have been unable to bring about relief. In many cases, the reasons for this failure are not the fault of the healer's techniques. These professionals simply may not been successfu … Read More
7 Multi-Purpose Natural Pain Relievers
When it comes to treating pain, most of us make the familiar trip to the medicine cabinet for over the counter pain medication like aspirin or ibuprofen. If the pain is chronic, we even make a trip to the doctor’s office for the far more dangerous, prescription painkillers. These are effective for pain management, but the re … Read More
5 Simple Ways To ELIMINATE Neck, Shoulder and Upper Back Pain
If you've ever suffered from intense pain in the neck, shoulder or upper back you know that it can make getting through the day extremely difficult because there are so many things we do that require our arms and head. I know exactly what it's like as I've had my fair share of injuries, including shoulder problems brou … Read More
What To Do When NOTHING Gets Rid Of The Pain
It's a question I get dozens, if not hundreds of times each and every day: I've tried everything but am still in extreme pain, what can I do? Well, I've got good and bad news for you... First, let's start with the GOOD news. The good news is I've not met or talked to a person yet who has tried every treatment known to man … Read More
What You Can Learn About Pain Relief From Olympic Level Athletes

It’s an Olympic year, and there are at least three things you can be sure will be part of the Summer Olympic Games in Rio: the Olympic torch, fierce competition... and pain. We’re not talking about the pain of missing a bronze medal by a hundredth of a second (which has got to rank right up there with passing a kidney stone … Read More
The 5 Most Effective Treatments for Back Pain, Neck Pain and Sciatica
I wanted to share with you the list of the top 5 treatments for back pain, neck pain, sciatica and other related conditions. But before I do, I just had to share these two emails I just received... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: martina travaille Date: Mar 10, 2008 6:21 PM Subject: backjoy To: jesse I am lo … Read More
Alternative Back Pain Treatments, including Massage, Meditation, Acupuncture, Hypnosis ect…
Why do we call mind-body techniques such as massage, meditation, hypnosis, or acupuncture "alternative" treatments when they've been around since the dawn of Man? If these techniques have been around and used for that long, surely there must be something to them. Truth is, you're already a bit of an expert in some of these … Read More
Can You Really Laugh Away Pain? (Jokes Enclosed)
Laugh away pain? Sounds crazy, doesn't it? While most people acknowledge that the more they laugh the better they feel, researchers have done studies that actually prove it reduces the amount and intensity of pain. So, we have a great new article about it for you here: … Read More