6 Key Tips to Stop Your Winter Pain Pain and cold weather are partners in crime. As temperatures dip in winter, many people experience increasing pain ... especially back pain, joint pain, and knee pain. But YOU do not need to! Fact is, changes in weather and barometric pressure do make a difference in your pain, and the e … Read More
How Inflammation Damages Your Heart

Inflammation is an important defense mechanism by which our body responds to infection or injury. However, serious problems arise when the inflammatory response gets out of control. Uncontrolled inflammation directly contributes to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and sepsis … Read More
Sarcoidosis: Pain and Death from Inflammation and Fibrosis
In 1995, actress Karen Duffy — better known as MTV's VJ "Duff” — returned home to New York after the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles in excruciating pain. She later described the initial pain in her head like "a burning, sharp pain that felt like I was being electrocuted.” As bad as the pain felt, it soon grew even worse. Befor … Read More
Pain Relief in the Produce Aisle
If you're looking for pain relief you might find it at your local grocery store. Not in the pharmacy or over-the-counter medicine aisle, but discreetly tucked into the produce section. The people of Guadeloupe introduced Christopher Columbus to this tasty tropical healer in 1493, but native South and Central American tribes … Read More
Top 5 Causes of Back, Neck and Sciatic Pain
One of the reasons so many people struggle with back pain and all the many variations of it, is because the majority of the treatments recommended by doctors don't address the main causes of the pain... So I wanted to make sure that you know what the most common causes are and how to address them... because it's highly un … Read More
Pros & Cons: Cortisone Injections
Cortisone shots are given as symptomatic treatment for a wide variety of repetitive stress injuries, arthritis, and other ailments. Commonly the injection consists of a mixture of a corticosteroid anti-inflammatory and a local anesthetic to minimize pain from the injected medicine. Most cortisone injections are conducted in … Read More
The Blessing of Pain
No one likes pain, yet we should be thankful for it. Pain serves a vital function in letting us know when something within our bodies is not quite right. The problem is we often rely upon pain to direct our health choices instead of being proactive. A heart attack is often the first sign of heart disease most people notice, … Read More
10 Foods That Naturally Relieve Pain and Inflammation
Far too many people live with chronic pain. Whether western medicine has let them down or they're just tired of having to take over the counter pain medication, a lasting and natural solution may be sitting on the dinner table right now. Let's take a look inside Mother Nature's medicine cabinet... 1. Alfalfa. The leaves o … Read More