Golf is a challenging game. But golf and back pain together? Well that's way more of a challenge than you need to endure! So here is some GOOD NEWS! Instead of having to consider giving up golf if you have back pain, why not give up back pain so you can enjoy golf! Yes, it is not only possible, but thousands of others have … Read More
5 Crucial Steps to Prevent Back Pain in Children
Back pain is surprisingly common in children, with studies showing it impacts anywhere from 18 percent to 58 percent of youth. Kids these days engage in many "adult” activities — sitting for long periods, playing sports and carrying heavy loads. These are the same activities that often lead to back pain in adults … and your … Read More
Chronic Back Pain: The Top Treatments, Symptoms, Causes
Pain is the number one reason for medical visits in the United States, and back pain is the most common type of pain reported. An estimated 8 out of 10 people struggle with back pain at some point in their lives, and in most cases it goes away on its own. But for some, back pain becomes chronic, which simply means the pain p … Read More
An Open Letter to Serena Williams: How to End Your Back Pain Now
Dear Serena Williams, First, I am a big fan of yours. I've appreciated your amazing skills and your determination to succeed for years. Which brings me to this letter ... I know you recently had to bow out of a match at the Rome Masters semi-final due to back pain. I know you must dearly want to defeat that fierce opponent … Read More
Remedies for Back Pain:The Most Effective 3-Step Process
Conventional remedies for back pain are more expensive than effective. Take painkillers. They're the first line of defense for millions of people with back pain, but they don't fix the problem. They just give some temporary relief — until they wear off and you have to take more. Flash forward a few years. You're poppin … Read More
Sacroiliac Joint Exercises for Quick Pain Relief

Some people imagine they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. But the truth is we actually carry most of our weight around on our sacroiliac joints (SI joints). The sacroiliac joints, which connect your spine to your pelvis, support the full weight of your upper body whenever you’re in an upright position. … Read More
8 Household Chores to AVOID If You Have Back Pain
There is perhaps no better full-body "workout” than keeping your home in order. But as you’re hauling laundry up the stairs, crawling on your hands and knees to wash the kitchen floor, twisting and bending to get your family room vacuumed, and stretching to get the very top of your tall bay windows sparkly clean, you probabl … Read More
Pinched Nerve Relief
... The 6 Best Solutions If a nerve receives too much pressure from surrounding tissues, bone or cartilage, it can become "pinched” and unable to transmit electrical signals properly. Eventually, when a nerve is pinched it may stop working entirely, which often leads to tingling, burning and shooting pains along with feelin … Read More
Got Back Pain? Then NEVER Wear These Shoes

Could your shoes be the reason you have back pain? You’ve probably heard of the danger of high heels. But they’re far from the only culprits. Many common shoe styles are terrible for your muscles and joints. They cause you to change how you walk, how you run, and even how you stand. All leading to muscle imbalanc … Read More
Dr. Oz’s Back Pain Prescription
So even the now "famous" Dr. Oz is realizing the effectiveness of "alternative" treatments... In fact, I happened to catch a bit of his show while waiting for a flight at the airport and he was talking about how effective inversion therapy can be for back pain... … Read More