Kyphosis is a condition in which there is an abnormal protrusion of the upper back. It is an abnormality that can occur as a result of a degenerative disease, developmental issues, endocrine diseases, birth defects, tumors of the spine, trauma and so on. There are two types of kyphosis: postural kyphosis and structural kyphosis. It is a somewhat common condition and fortunately there is successful treatment for Kyphosis.
Types of Kyphosis
Postural Kyphosis is simple due to poor posture and can be corrected. You will see a very smooth and round hump on the back of a person that has Postural Kyphosis.
Structural Kyphosis on the other hand can not be corrected just by being aware of your posture. The hump in the back is very angular unlike Postural Kyphosis with its smooth and round hump. Also, there are two types of Structural Kyphosis which are Primary Structural Kyphosis and Secondary Structural Kyphosis. Congenital Kyphosis is a type of Primary Structural Kyphosis in which one is born with a spine abnormality.
Scheuermann’s kyphosis which is a type of Primary Structural Kyphosis, affects adolescents.. What happens is the front of the vertebrae aren’t able to grow as quickly as the back of the vertebrae, so they become wedge shaped which makes the spine curve excessively.
Secondary Postural Kyphosis results from another condition in the body that may weaken the spine , which in turn makes the spine curve outward too much.
Treatment for Kyphosis
In order to properly treat Kyphosis, the cause of the Kyphosis needs to be known, the degree of curvature in the spine, the severity of the symptoms, and how fast is the curvature of the spine taking place.
In the case of Postural Kyphosis, since it doesn’t progress, it can improve on its own. It is important to strengthen the muscles in the back which will help your posture. Being aware of your posture is an important treatment for Kyphosis, specifically Postural Kyphosis. One way you can correct your posture when seated, is to use a back seat cushion that helps support the spine and keeps you in correct posture. The Freedom Back is an excellent back support cushion that forces one to sit with correct posture, if used properly.
Now with Structural Kyphosis, treatments will depend on a few factors such as age, sex, how rigid the curve of the spine is and how severe the symptoms are. Anti-inflammatory supplements are highly recommend as they will help alleviate any inflammation in the body and reduce pain. Heal-n-Soothe is a proven natural anti-inflammatory which uses a combination of Proteolytic enzymes and herbs which fight off inflammation in the body. Physical Therapy and conditioning exercises may help alleviate some of the pain and symptoms.
If the form of Kyphosis is serious enough, braces may be needed and at the very last resort, surgery may be required. Remember if a child or adolescent has been diagnosed with Kyphosis, the sooner the treatment begins can mean there may be a greater chance at stopping the deformity.
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