Slipped Disc Treatments

Depending on where you get your information from, and which doctor you see, slipped disc treatments can vary. Traditionally, slipped disc treatments include pain medications, electrical stimulation, hot packs, and generic therapeutic exercises. But in this article, we will talk about a few slipped disc treatments you may have never heard of. Keep in mind slipped discs can be a complicated condition, so keep a positive, open mind as this will only help you in your recovery.

Slipped discs occur when there is uneven compression on the disc and it begins to bulge. They cause pain because they place pressure on the nerves coming out of the spinal column which can cause inflammation and pain. However, studies have come out over the past 20 or 30 years that show people that have had a slipped disc have been healed of them on their own. Discs can heal themselves; don’t be led to think otherwise.

If you have been diagnosed with a slipped disc, don’t become overwhelmed and don’t overreact. The key thing is to not worry. It’s just a word, focus on getting rid of the pain.

So what causes a slipped disc? Well, it could be the disc but it can be totally something different as well. Some symptoms of a slipped disc are numbness, tingling, shooting pain, down through the legs or the arms if it is a disc in the thoracic spine. These symptoms can also be caused by other causes, such as Trigger points or sciatic pain caused by Piriformis Syndrome. Now, it not uncommon for someone to have a slipped disc and not experience pain.

Trigger points are often a major cause of pain throughout the body. Oftentimes what happens is when you go for treatment for back pain and you get no results, they blame it on the diagnosis. You may have tried various treatments, so they suggest surgery. However, did you know that back surgeries only have a 60% success rate?

Many people who are suffering from pain cannot get past the pain.  Their thoughts and mind will not let the body heal. If you are always worried about money, or deal with a lot of stress, this can affect your ability to heal. Also, dietary factors are a key issue in helping get rid of pain as well. Make sure to look at all the aspects and factors and not just one.

The most important component for treating a slipped disc is Muscle Balance Therapy, which incorporates corrective exercises that will bring balance back into the body.

To learn more about slipped disc treatments, CLICK HERE.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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