Sciatica pain is occurs due to the compression of the sciatica nerve. As the longest nerve in the human body, the sciatic nerve runs from the lower back all the way down the leg. This is why sciatica pain is so pervasive, and why it can affect mobility when performing daily activities such as walking or twisting or bending. … Read More
Swelling or Herniated Disc Treatments
There are countless herniated disc treatments available today. Herniated disc treatments range from natural treatments, non-invasive treatments and invasive surgeries. More often than not herniated discs can cause intense maybe even incapacitating neck pain, back pain, and sciatica. Research does show that herniated discs, s … Read More
Treating and Diagnosing Stenosis of the Spine.

Age can bring about a condition known as stenosis of the spine, where your neck or lower back become narrowed, occasionally putting pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Sometimes the pressure will result in pain or numbness in legs, back, neck and shoulders, depending on which nerves are affected. It can cause a loss of co … Read More
Spine Exercises
If you're experiencing back pain, spine exercises can help relieve your pain by a surprising amount. Strengthening your spine and core will help support your body from within, and prevent future injuries. It will also help increase blood flow to the area and speed the healing process. Here are a few exercises you might try … Read More
Relief from Sciatica
Sciatica is caused by compression or irritation of one or both of the large sciatic nerves in the back of the legs. Symptoms include pain, which can sometimes be severe, along with tingling and difficulty in moving or controlling the affected leg. Sufferers may also experience numbness or muscular weakness that originates in … Read More
Identifying Symptoms Of Sciatica
The symptoms of sciatica can be difficult to put into words for many sufferers because the sensations are unknown and pain is the most distinct symptom of all. Another reason for the difficulty in identifying symptoms is that not all sciatica sufferers experience the same symptoms, so an accurate self-diagnosis is not easy. … Read More
Sciatica Stretches
Sciatica is a fairly common problem that plagues many people at one point or another in their lifetime. It happens when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed because something (like a spinal disc) has been pushed out of place, or a muscle has become severely swollen and is crowding the sciatic nerve. Sciatica symptoms includ … Read More
Natural Treatments for Sciatica
Sciatica is a common type of back pain caused by compression on particular lumbar or sacral nerves. While rare, it is sometimes caused by compression on the sciatic nerve itself. The pain is usually relegated to one side of the back. Depending on the particular causes of sciatica, the symptoms of sciatica can be acute, chron … Read More
Narrowing of the Spine
The narrowing of the spine is a very painful condition that is known better as spinal stenosis. With this condition, a person's spinal canal becomes narrow. As this happens, the narrowing spinal canal begins to compress both the spinal cord and the nerves, causing a very painful sensation in the person's back. This excrucia … Read More
Mild Bilateral Sacroiliac Degenerative Disc
Mild Bilateral Sacroiliac Degenerative Disc describes a degenerative disc condition of the sacroiliac joint, a joint that can be found at the base of the spine between the sacrum and the ilium. There are two of these sacroiliac joints in the human body, one on each side of the pelvis. There are a number of different disorde … Read More