Mild Bilateral Sacroiliac Degenerative Disc

Mild Bilateral Sacroiliac Degenerative Disc describes a degenerative disc condition of the sacroiliac joint, a joint that can be found at the base of the spine between the sacrum and the ilium. There are two of these sacroiliac joints in the human body, one on each side of the pelvis.

There are a number of different disorders and conditions that may cause pain in the sacroiliac joints, including mild bilateral sacroiliac degenerative disc, which is sometimes referred to as degenerative disc disease but is not actually a disease at all. Mild bilateral sacroiliac degenerative disc is actually a common cause for lower back pain, and it is also a largely misunderstood occurrence that leaves many patients scratching their heads about the future of the health of their back. Breaking down the term mild bilateral sacroiliac degenerative disc will help to dispel some of the misunderstandings regarding this condition:

Bilateral – There are two sacroiliac joints, one on each side of the pelvis that connects between the ilium and the sacrum. Sacroiliac degenerative disc typically occurs in both of the sacroiliac joints rather than one or the other.

Sacroiliac – This is the name of the joint that is affected by mild bilateral sacroiliac degenerative disc, a kidney bean shaped joint with a minimal amount of motion that forms between two bones, using a mix of irregular surfaces to connect those bones. Because the two sacroiliac joints are responsible for moving together in a single unit, they are both likely to experience the degenerative disc condition at the same time.

Degenerative Disc – This is a condition that has been linked to many instances of back pain, but unfortunately it is largely misunderstood. Degenerative disc is not actually a disease, and the pain associated with it does not normally worsen over time. In fact, the lower back pain that is associated with mild bilateral sacroiliac degenerative disc is much more likely to improve over time. Degenerative disc disease is a degenerative condition that is capable of producing pain at times from a disc that has sustained damage.

Mild bilateral sacroiliac degenerative disc is capable of being quite variable both in its severity and its nature. Not all people that experience degenerative disc will develop any symptoms, while others will experience some pain. Disc degeneration is actually a completely natural part of aging, and experiencing changes in the discs is consistent with the degree of degeneration experienced.

Common symptoms experienced with mild bilateral sacroiliac degenerative disc can include:

– Lower back pain that is generally made worse during sitting,

– Worsening of back pain with certain types of activity such as twisting, lifting and bending,

– Walking around may actually improve the back pain in comparison to sitting or standing for prolonged periods of time,

– Patients generally will experience an improvement in symptoms when capable of frequently changing position. Lying down is typically the most comfortable position for individuals with mild bilateral sacroiliac degenerative disc.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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3 thoughts on “Mild Bilateral Sacroiliac Degenerative Disc”

  1. BOOKER says:


  2. Steve says:

    No the L5-S1 is were the Sacrum meets the spine and the SI Joint is where the Sacrum meets the Pelvis…

    Two different issues…


  3. Samuel Azout says:

    I thought I had disk degeneration L4-L5 but my real problem is sacro iliac joint issue.

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