A herniated disc, also known as a bulged disc, slipped disc, prolapsed disc, or ruptured disc occurs when one of the discs in the back develops a weak spot, and the softer center portion of the disc ruptures or pushes out of the disc. Statistics have shown that over 90% of herniations occur in the lower back, specifically be … Read More
Healing Sciatic Nerve Pain
Muscle imbalances create extra stress and wear and tear on the spinal discs. Therefore, strenuous and unusual physical activity or heavy lifting may cause one of your spinal discs to herniate, or move out of place. Such a displaced disc – also known as a slipped disc – can compress nearby spinal nerves. 1. First, you must t … Read More
Healing Pain with an Inversion Table for Back Pain
Our present-day sedentary lifestyle comes with many health problems of its own. Lower back pain is the result of years of poor posture, whether we sit, stand, move or exercise. Our vertebrae are separated by discs which act as shock absorbers. These slowly become compressed by the effects of gravity and lose their shock abs … Read More
Golf Upper Back Pain
Common injuries among the golfing set can cause upper and lower back pain. The body is held in a difficult position in the swing, rotating the upper body to such a degree that it is inevitable that a strain will occur. Lower back pain, upper back pain, arthritis and herniated spinal discs are common among golfers, because of … Read More
General Back Pain Information
In essence, back pain is a truly ordinary concern that afflicts multiple people when it comes down to it. Additionally, back pain is ordinary in patients; it is also more ordinary the older you get. So, back pain is also more typical in people who are not fit; it is hardly ever life-threatening. Surely, back pain is caused b … Read More
Gallbladder Back Pain: What Can Ease It?

The gallbladder is a small pea-shaped organ. It lies on the underside of the liver, which is placed in the upper right portion of the abdomen. The gallbladder is responsible for collecting and storing bile. The main function of bile is to help in the digestion of fats and absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Bil … Read More
Firm Bed and Back Pain
Sleeping on the right mattress can make a big difference in healing or preventing back pain. A mattress that is just the right firmness with the right padding offers effective support for every part of the body and allows restful sleep without morning stiffness and sore muscles. Some people find that a firm bed and back pain … Read More
Assistance and Suggestions for Fighting Sciatica and Back Pain
In effect, sciatica is more of less so a symptom and is barely ever a medical emergency. Essentially, if you suffer from a sudden and sometimes shooting, excruciating feeling along the vertabrae, its quite possible that you are suffering from sciatica. Sciatica is a concept that describes pain created by pressure on and/or i … Read More
Fibroid Back Pain
Fibroids are growths that occur in the uterine lining during a woman’s reproductive years. Because estrogen triggers the growth of fibroids, they can start as early as puberty, and they begin to shrink once a woman reaches menopause. For younger women who are still within childbearing years, surgery might be an option, but f … Read More
Exercises to Treat Lower Back Ache
There is a theory that at some point or another every human will at some point in some form suffer from back pain; most often than not the back pain will be concentrated in the lower back. The theory goes on to mention that there is something about our skeletal structure that aids in the inevitable back pain. Well, unfortuna … Read More