Ericka Roberts, NY

"For over 30 years, I’ve also suffered with painful back problems on and off. Last summer, I visited my trusted osteopath again, because of my back. I had trouble walking. The pain was so excruciating, I couldn’t walk a whole block without sitting down about three times. Seriously. Although the doctors tried to help, nothing … Read More

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Barbara Schofield, United Kingdom

"Hello Jesse and all the amazing team! I would like to thank all off you for the help you have all given to me. I have been using Heal-n-Soothe, Super Joint Support and Rub On Relief for 12 weeks now. The joy and happiness they have given me is unreal. I have had osteroarthitis for over 15 years being unable to do a lot off … Read More

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Karen Daly, Hendersonville TN

"I’m very active, hurt my back working on exercise equipment. My Chiropractor told me it would always hurt and probably eventually put me in a wheelchair...NOT! So I remained physical and cautiously active under a chiropractor care (a more enthusiastic Chiro :)) I couldn’t fly last year tho to see my son in England. About 6 … Read More

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Stephen Benjamin

"Ok, so it's 2 months since I started on Heal n Soothe. I have Stero Negative Rheumatois Arthritis and have been on drugs including low grade chemo steroids and a larger dose of Sulpher. I had lost 20 kgs in 18 months and had no appetite. I saw a mate who told me about some alternatives and I researched all the things he had … Read More

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Brenda Wing, Australia

"I suffer pain from middle back, neck, shoulders, and ankle pain from a prior break... Strong prescribed medication for this. About 2 months ago decided I wanted to get rid of prescription medication. Your emails kept popping into my inbox, so decided to give your Heal-n-Soothe a try. For a month now I've been prescription d … Read More

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Pat Hendrickson

“I got onto Turmeric when taking a fitness class for Seniors when another lady suggested it to me. I found the turmeric was helpful, after taking it for several months I could tell a difference. I got to looking at other natural remedies and discovered your products. It's been well over a year using them and I have a number … Read More

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Gail Lopez

I would first like to take the time to start out by thanking God for directing my path to the HBI website. For the last couple of years I have been dealing with pain in both knees, to the point that I even went to the emergency room 2 years ago because my left leg swelled and the pain was unbearable. I had an ultra sound to … Read More

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Gerard Belanger

"I am retired now, but still work in the bush and on my brothers farm. For the last year or so, I have not been able to do as much because of so much pain. I started Heal-Sooth at six a day for a week, am down to three a day. It's like a wish come true. I put in a ten hour days at the farm " WITHOUT a whole lot of PAIN ". Th … Read More

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Sydney Hyam

"I am 80 years old and I have had 2 hip replacements, plus 1 hip revision, plus half knee replacement, suffered from poor circulation, work injuries - causing inflammation and arthritis. Since taking Heal-n-Soothe, my pain levels went from a 8 to a 2. I am able to walk a little further, do odd light jobs around the house, an … Read More

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Carla Ward-Royer

"I've been with degenerative disc back pain for over 20 years. In the last few years, it is now in my neck and jaws. With the Heal & Soothe, Rub on Relief and the Electro Cleanse, I now have my 'pain' at a tolerable level that I can do things I haven't done in years - walking, standing, and sitting for long periods of ti … Read More

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