5 Back Pain Red Flags

Back pain often isn't the result of a sudden injury. When you "suddenly" throw your back out, chances are it was a long time coming... Just like a tire that "suddenly" blew out on the highway because the driver ignored the warning signs of a worn tread, back pain typically happens only after months or years of ignoring th … Read More

Filed Under: Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

A Shocking New Treatment

By Al Sears, MD "Deep brain stimulation" is what they're calling it. It almost sounds soothing and nice. Did you hear about this? Scientists use electrodes to "stimulate" the brains of depressed people. The whole thing works through surgically implanted probes in your brain that are connected to an electrical … Read More

Filed Under: General Health
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Shoulder Pain Relief Guide

  Shoulder pain doesn't have to ruin your life. But you have to know which of the four categories your shoulder pain falls into before you'll be able to successfully treat it. Our friend and rehabilitation specialist Dr. Kareem Samhouri (we call him Dr. K for short) just wrote a fantastic report digging into all fou … Read More

Filed Under: Shoulder Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

How to Solve Any Problem

By Steve Chandler It took me many hard and painful years to learn a basic truth about problems in life and business and that is this: problems don't age well. The longer a problem lives, the bigger it gets. Once I learned that Speed of Takedown was the most valuable measuring stick in problem-solving, everything got bett … Read More

Filed Under: Motivation and Inspiration
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

I Want Cymbalta

  Ever see one of those drug company ads on TV or in a magazine showing happy people "getting their life back" after taking some promoted drug or another? Let's remember those happy people are actors — paid to make the product look good. A product that more often than not has side effects as bad as or worse than the … Read More

Filed Under: Medications, Video
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

10 Steps to Less Stress and More Energy

By Dr. Jenny Cretsinger Face it, life can be stressful. You do your best to pay the bills, keep your relationships going, raise happy kids, and still find time to exercise. It's not always easy, is it? I'll tell you a secret: it gets so much easier when you know these ten steps. Follow them and you're sure to feel less s … Read More

Filed Under: Stress
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Reset Your Hormone Switch to "Normal"

  By Al Sears, MD Have you ever shivered on a cold day? Felt a little light-headed when you stood up too fast? I'm sure you've broken a sweat while doing your PACE exercises, right? In all these situations, what you're feeling is your body trying to return itself to a "normal" state. In medical terms, we ca … Read More

Filed Under: Weight Loss
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Lying Down Therapy

By Carolyn Dean, MD, ND Do not underestimate the benefits of simple therapies. I've made that pretty obvious because I spend so much time recommending one mineral — magnesium and one detox — clay. And here's the latest! I've had several clients recently who are suffering from adrenal exhaustion but the very cause o … Read More

Filed Under: Sleep
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Top 8 Homeopathics for Muscle & Joint Pain (VIDEO)

Most pain relief medications, including over the counter pills widely available on your local grocery store shelves, have dangerous side effects. But doing nothing when you're in pain isn't an option for most folks. That's why we're always on the lookout for new ways to safely, naturally help you get rid of pain. For … Read More

Filed Under: Arthritis, Articles, Back Pain, Conditions, General Health, Lower Back Pain, Pain Cream, Pain Relief, Rub on Relief, Sciatic Pain, Sciatica, Upper Back Pain
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,

Shutting Down the “Oxy Express”

Southeast Florida is well known for its warm weather, long sandy beaches, and in more recent years, the hundreds of "pain clinics" where pain pills are handed out like candy. Well, not exactly handed out. Sold... cash & carry only, please. Sales of prescription drugs through these pill mills has been booming with Flo … Read More

Filed Under: Pain Relief
Written By: Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT,