Woman with Lower Back Cramps
Lower Back cramps happens to all of us. It is estimated that up to two-thirds of all Americans suffer from back and lower back pain. Unless you have a major injury, there’s not much a physician can do besides prescribe medications, ask you to rest or recommend back strengthening exercises.
The good news is that most types of back pain are manageable. Here are a few simple things you can do, but remember – if you’re experiencing severe lower back cramps, lower back pain, leg cramps and numbness that just doesn’t seem to get any better, or a loss of bowel or bladder control, see a physician right away!
Lower Back Cramps Article Con’t…
One of the best ways to relieve your back and leg pain in the long-term is by strengthening your abdominal and back muscles and making your hips, quads, and hamstrings more flexible. It is crucial that you identify which muscle imbalances you have, and then devise a solid treatment plan to correct them. This treatment is called Muscle Balance Therapy. It is safe, effective and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.
To learn more about Muscle Balance Therapy, click here.
If you experience lower back cramps that descends into your buttocks or legs that is made worse by walking and other activities like bending or lifting – along with leg pain, numbness or weakness – a nerve in your lower back may be affected. This condition is known as sciatica. Such lower back pain leg problems may be caused by a nerve being pinched by a protruding disc or in-growth of bone from the joints, known as bone spurs.
If you think you are experiencing the symptoms of sciatica, check out the sciatica resources section of our website.
People with disc or spinal problems may experience severe pain in their upper legs when bending forward that stops immediately when they stand up or are sitting or lying down. In such cases it is best to see a physician as soon as possible as there could be pressure on the spine. The sooner this is treated the better, as any permanent damage can be disabling and have life-changing consequences.
Leg pain can be caused by muscle cramps, also known as a charley horse. Lower back and pain leg cramps are usually caused by dehydration and low amounts of potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium in your blood.
Medications such as diuretics can also make you lose too much fluid and minerals, leading to dehydration. Muscle fatigue or strain from overuse, too much exercise, or holding a muscle in the same position for a long time can also cause leg cramps.
Lower back and leg pain cramps and numbness can be the result of an injury, for example a torn or overstretched muscle, hairline cracks in bone, inflamed tendon or shin splints.
Other typical causes of lower back and leg pain include atherosclerosis that blocks blood flow in the arteries, called claudication, felt when exercising or walking and relieved when resting; a blood clot in a leg vein known as deep vein thrombosis, which usually happens after prolonged bed rest; inflammation of the leg joints by arthritis or gout; nerve damage, and varicose veins.