Lower Back and Leg Pain Causes

There are several types of lower back and leg pain causes that are common in adults. One of the most common causes in young adults under the age of 60 is sciatica pain, which can include numbness and leg pain. If the pain and numbness travels from your lower back to your foot the cause is frequently a herniated disk in the lower spine or lumbar region. You may also recognize whether or not the pain is worsened through long intervals of sitting or standing. If your lower back and leg pain bother you for more than two weeks, you should speak with your health care provider about your specific issue.

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If your symptoms are caused by moving a certain way, the pain may be from degenerative disc disease. This syndrome could have chronic symptoms, fluctuate and be almost unbearable at times.

Maybe you have lower back pain accompanied with leg pain that tends to flare up or worsen when you walk or stand. This could be caused by vertebrae in the lower back slipping forward. When this happens the disc below is caused stress which can lead to lower back and even leg pain. You might also be suffering symptoms from a stress fracture that had occurred at an earlier time.

Lower back and leg pain causes can be completely different in patients over sixty years of age. Common symptoms such as stiffness and lower back pain that seem much worse in the morning or evening hours could be caused by degenerative arthritis or facet joint osteoarthritis. This condition is from the cartilage being worn down between facet joints of a person’s back. This lack of cartilage between the joints is what causes the stiffness and pain.

If you happen to have sciatic leg pain down your legs when you walk or spend any length of time standing, the cause could be lumbar spinal stenosis. This condition will cause pressure on your nerves where they exit your spine. Standing or just walking normally will result in leg pain because those activities will cause increased pressure to the affected nerves.

There are several other conditions that can cause lower back pain, and in some cases, leg pain as well. Young or old, if you are experiencing this kind of pain, you could have an infection or spinal tumor that causes lower back and leg pain.

A fracture in any vertebrae of your spine or even fibromyalgia could also be the pain-causing culprit. There is also a lot to be said about each individual concerning their pain levels or the length of time the pain lasts. If a patient is depressed, unhappy about their life situation or under any amount of stress, their lower back and leg pain causes may last longer or become chronic after a time.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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