Holistic Treatments for Lower Back Pain

At some point or another most humans will experience some form of back pain. Back pain can range anywhere from a mild discomfort to completely debilitating. The most common back pain is lower back (lumbar) pain which is usually triggered by poor posture, muscle strain, overuse and ligament, muscle, disc injury. Lower back pain can also be caused by a herniated disc which can be a result of injury causing the disc to abnormally bulge. This causes an increased pressure to the lower back.

There is no shortage of causes of lower back pain. Amongst several other causes there is osteoarthritis, also known as joint degeneration, which typically develops with age. Osteoarthritis affects facet joints in the spine often resulting in back pain. If the spine canal narrows, known as spinal stenosis, this can cause pressure on nerve roots which also results in back pain. Injury, fractures, pregnancy, poor sleep, menstrual cycles and a slew of other reasons may also be the cause. There truly is no shortage.

The most important thing to learn about lower back pain is that there are several non-invasive ways to treat it. Back pain is generally unavoidable. Just imagine if every case of back pain was followed by a trip to the operation table. There would be no one left on the streets. If you are a sufferer of lower back here are a few things you can try:

    • Start with stretching. Deep stretches are great for lower back pain as it relieves tension in the lower pain be decompressing joints and muscles. Bend over and attempt to touch your toes to experience a really stretch. This can also be done in a sitting position.
    • Acupuncture has also been known to holistically treat lower back pain. Acupuncture provides quick relief by relaxing the nervous system and stimulating special nerve groups that connect with sensory organs and the brain.
    • Yoga can be effective as well. When yoga is practiced properly it can work wonders for muscle and joint relaxation. The practice of yoga is said to relieve stress of the mind and body offering a centered and relaxed state of being. Yoga also promotes proper breathing which assist with blood flow throughout the body. Fluid blood flow can also promote wellness and release of tension in the lower back.
    • Feel free to try herbs. Some may be skeptical of herbs as a means of treatment for lower back and other forms of pain but the truth is that herbs have be known to work wonders. Ginger is an herb that inhibits pain causing hormones to be released. The great thing about ginger is that it can be taken over long periods of time without running the risk of becoming addictive. Menthol and camphor (which can be found in many over the counter drugs) are also herbs that are great for back pain relief. Try boswellia if there is any swelling in the back as it is an anti-inflammatory.

If you would like any more information regarding lower back pain relief visit losethebackpain.com today!

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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