Core Strength Exercises

A lean waist and strong abs not only look great, it also can help you maintain a healthy, pain free back. Core strength exercises are vital in keeping the body balanced. Many people that suffer from chronic back pain also happen to have weak abdominal muscles. The same lack of exercise and inactivity that contributes to weight gain can also cause the muscles in the back to become weak.

If you are suffering from severe back pain, it may be difficult to begin any core strength exercises. You might want to first deal with the inflammation in your body. By reducing inflammation, you are more likely to gain the mobility you need to do the exercises.

Keep in mind, the sit ups you did in high school are not the most effective core strengthening exercises to do. There are ways to work your abs without the aggravating motions of a sit up or crunch.

The Plank – One way to strengthen your core is to perform what fitness experts like to call “The Plank”. Lay on the floor (on your stomach). Push your upper body up and support yourself in that position with your elbows and forearms. You should also be up on your toes. Your back and body should be in a flat position, which is why the exercise is called The Plank.

Try to hold this position for 15-30 seconds and repeat. This type of activity will also engage the lower back. So, if you are experiencing back pain at the moment, you might want to hold of until the pain subsides.

Abdominal Flexes – Another way to engage the abdominal area is to do frequent abdominal flexes. Concentrate and flex your stomach muscles as if you are showing off your new 6 pack abs. You will feel the muscle contract. You can do this lying on the ground or while you are in a chair, even at work.

The above mentioned core strength exercise will help you maintain a tight and toned midsection. Obviously, you’re not going to become Mr. Olympia or a swimsuit model from doing this, but it is a great start. This will also help you reduce back pain and prevent future flare ups from returning.

If your back pain is preventing you from working on your core, learn more about how to treat back pain on this website.

Click on the links in the right side bar to find the information that is right for you. You can also get a free copy of our book, The 7 Day Back Pain Cure.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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