Coccyx Removal

If you are considering coccyx removal, then your condition may be serious. But be sure to extinguish all other options before turning to surgery. Surgery can be invasive and not always successful. But, you may be considering it due to the amount of pain you may be in. I have injured my tailbone before, so I am well aware of the excruciating pain that can be felt, let alone the inability to sit comfortably or without pain.

The coccyx, or more commonly known as the tailbone, is located at the base of the spine, close to the anus. It is the final segment of the vertebral column and it can be injured due to a fall or a direct hit which can make sitting uncomfortable and painful. It is comprised of three to five separate or fused vertebrae.

Keep in mind surgery to remove a coccyx is not terribly common and is used only when all other treatments have failed. If you are considering having your coccyx removed, be sure to talk everything over with your physician. You should be in good health otherwise and a good candidate for surgery.

This form of surgery is typically performed under general anesthetic and lasts for roughly an hour. There is a good amount of recovery time as it can take up to one month post surgery to be able to sit comfortably without pain.

Taking a natural anti-inflammatory supplement can help heal an injured coccyx. The supplement will attack the inflammation in your body which is contributing to your coccyx pain. Along with supplementation, heat therapy can bring relief to the injured tailbone area. Far infrared heat can penetrate 2-3 inches into the muscles, tissues ligaments and even the bone, which can heal you from the inside out.

While you are treating you inflammation, the use of a coccyx  seat cushion can help you sit comfortably as it allows you to sit without putting pressure on your tailbone.

After you have tried all available natural treatments for coccyx pain and you have not found relief, then it may be time to think about coccyx removal. Again, we cannot stress this enough, but be sure to exhaust all other treatment options before deciding on coccyx removal.


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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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