Causes of Upper Right Side Back Pain

Back pain the one thing that everyone can’t stand, and at some point in time will have, no matter what. However, trying to find the causes of upper right side back pain can be difficult at best and annoying, too.

Truthfully, there are two causes for upper back pain accidents and muscle problems that cause posture issues. Both will cause pain for you, and the problems that go along with each of them are not fun, either.

There is one key thing to remember though: the cause of your upper right side back pain may not have happened right at that moment. It may have built up over a period of time, and suddenly reared its ugly head.

Upper back pain can be defined as when you are unable to move a part of your upper back and function normally. For example, trying to pick up a book off the table or eating may cause you great pain suddenly. This may be because of a muscle cramp or something else to do with a muscle.

Your muscles in your upper back are a network tied together to perform many functions, and when they are out of alignment, they won’t work properly. They will also affect the bones in your back, as well possibly putting them slightly out of place, causing unnecessary wear and tear.

However, finding out the cause of the muscle’s problem that is causing the pain is best left to a medical professional. Whether the cause is a lack of specific nutrients, or you have lifted something wrong, it doesn’t matter you’re in pain, and getting help to find the cause is what you need.

Sometimes it takes as little as an x-ray to find the causes of upper right side back pain are a result of a posture issue usually brought on by trauma of some sort. In other words, there was some sort of accident at some point in time that is now causing pain.

For example, if you were in a baseball game, and were hit in the upper right back with a baseball some time ago, that may be the cause of your pain now. Perhaps you were lifting weights, and the weight on the right side was too heavy, and you over strained yourself several years ago and now the injury is back to haunt you.

Physical therapy can be especially good for those who are suffering upper back pain due to joints that are worn, or not positioned correctly. Gentle manipulation and being in warm water as well will help the therapy. The warmth of the water makes the pain lessen, muscles loosen and bones will move just a little bit easier.

Whether your muscles are too tight, and pulling your joints out of line or you’ve had a broken bone somewhere that has caused another to rub the wrong way, it doesn’t matter. Finding the causes of upper right side back pain can take some time, and will require the help of medical professionals.

Finding and treating upper back pain causes are entirely different, but can be done and it doesn’t always mean surgery.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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