Causes for Lower Back Pain in Women

Back pain is something that can make you feel like you don’t have any control over your body. Back pain in women can be particularly challenging because of the sensitivity of the area. Women are more prone to having lower back pain because of the several conditions that they are likely to contract because of their sex.

Strain: Muscle strain is possibly the most typical trigger for lower back pain. Muscle strain occurs when muscles are pushed beyond their limit. When you overexert your muscles, this can cause inflammation and strain. Weakened muscles will cause lower back pain.

Nerve Damage: There are situations that cause the nerves of the spinal column to become irritated or completely disrupted. If you have a narrow foramen, a pinched nerve, a herniated or degenerative disc, this can cause severe pain.


Being Pregnant is one of the most sensitive times in a woman’s life. It is a time when your body is going through a lot of changes both physically and emotionally. Pregnancy is something that can greatly affect the way a woman feels, especially about back pain. As the pregnancy progresses, a woman’s body begins to morph and shift to accommodate the growing fetus. This includes the movement of vital organs and bones. The increasing weight of the fetus puts added pressure on the lower back because of the imbalance. Since weight is no longer distributed evenly, the back bears the burden.

Reproductive Organ Issues

Women are susceptible to many issues related to the reproductive system. Because of this area’s proximity to the lower back, it is understandable that there could be a correlation. Diseases that are exclusive to women can have a negative effect on the lower back. The following conditions are related to women and can contribute to back pain.

Ovarian Cysts: This occurs when a woman’s ovary internally develops a collection of liquid within a lining of tissue. Cysts that are larger than five centimeters can be very painful and even cause bleeding. This pain can radiate to the lower back.

Urinary Tract Infection or UTI: This kind of infection is not exclusive to women but women are more likely to contract it. Urinary tract infections in women usually develop into bladder infections. If the bladder becomes infected this will definitely cause the lower back to feel painful because of the bladder’s location near the lower back area.

Uterine Fibroids: These benign tumors develop from the connective tissue of the uterus. They are usually found in women in their late reproductive years. Large fibroids can cause extreme discomfort and back aches.

Endometriosis: Between 5 and 10% of women experience endometriosis. This condition causes endometrial cells to develop outside.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: This relates to any inflammation of any of the reproductive organs like the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tube. This can lead to lower back pain as well.

To treat lower back pain, women must address the issues that may have caused it to occur.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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7 thoughts on “Causes for Lower Back Pain in Women”

  1. Deborah Edwards says:

    My lower back has been hurting me really bad for about 3 years it will be in January I’ve been thinking that it could be my kidneys but I don’t know what’s causing this pain.All I know is that it when I’m sitting up and even when I’m lying down.And especially when someone or something presses or touches it really hurts bad.Does anyone know could be causing this pain and discomfort?

  2. Steve says:


    So anyone that feels for Deborah, please encourage her to seek proper medical attention so she can begin her recovery…

    Steve HBI-Staff

  3. Tochi says:

    My lower back has been paining and it making me feel feverish I cannot stand up well or bend down what can I do to make it stop

  4. Tochi, Please seek proper medical attention…



  5. Eileen McConnell says:

    I’ve been having severe lower back pain for 2 months now. I can’t sit,but when I do..I can’t get up. An extremely sharp pain shoots thru my left hip. Please advise on what the cause may be. Many thanks.

    1. Admin says:

      Hi Eileen,
      Thank you for sharing and we would like to help. We believe education is key to addressing back pain issues and would suggest you please get yourself a copy of our book the “7 Day Back Pain Cure”.

      The book discusses back pain issues and related conditions, pain relief methods to try, treatment options for you to consider, pain relief action plans and other helpful information related to back pain.

      Please read more details about the 7 Day Back Pain Cure book via the link below

      Our Best Wishes
      Admin (The Healthy Back Institute)

  6. Akatekit Elizabeth says:

    I have suffered backache for 6yrs now. x-ray done reflected normal results. urinalysis found out that I have a UTI. I have taken antibiotics for about 4yrs without improvement. the backache worsens towards my menses. please help

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