Burning Upper Back Pain

Burning upper back pain can be the most uncomfortable of all back pain that a person can suffer from. Nearly 75% of all people have complained of or experienced back pain in their lifetime and burning upper back pain is becoming more common than ever before. The most common cause of upper burning back pain is sitting in one position for extended periods of time, which can include leaning over the keyboard or computer screen.

Most people do not realize how big of a role the upper back plays in our body’s functioning. Not only does our upper back help us to stand upright, but it also supports our ribs and spine. Because our ribs are attached to the spine through sensitive joints, constant and continuous strain will inevitably lead to burning upper back pain and inflammation will occur. Even if the inflammation is at a low-grade level, you may experience acute pain even if the single joints or the smallest of muscles surrounding the joint do not function properly. It is virtually impossible to let these joints completely rest as they also play a huge role in how our body breathes and supports our diaphragm. Stress, fatigue, and not paying attention to the proper ergonomically workstation posture are all huge factors in experiencing upper burning back pain.

There are other causes of burning upper back pain that can include nerve trauma and nerve compression, and sciatica, which are all treatable. Lower back health should also be considered when diagnosing reasons for burning pain in the upper back as both are interconnected and treatments will most likely target both of these areas. Treatment that will effectively help the burning upper back pain includes a combination of breathing exercises and stretching workouts. Stretching can help the larger muscles in the affected area and should always be tried before medication. The diaphragm and rib cage can also benefit greatly from a series of breathing exercises.

If you are doing everything possible to avoid back pain, whether it is in the upper back, lower back or even the middle of your back and nothing seems to help, call your doctor and make an appointment to discuss additional treatment options. Be aware of your body’s limitations; get up and take a quick five minute walk after an hour or more of computer work. Talk to your doctor or health care professional about finding a stretching and/or breathing exercise that will promote healthy joints and muscles for your age group. Adapting a healthy attitude, minimizing stress and maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise will all contribute to a strong and healthy back. If you experience a twinge of pain, don’t ignore it and do nothing! This is your body telling you that something is not right and you need to take precautions to protect those muscles, ligaments, joints and tendons so that you do not become a candidate for surgery or any other more aggressive means of therapy in the future.

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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1 thought on “Burning Upper Back Pain”

  1. carl lundstrom says:

    upper burning chronic back pain for over 10 years had several surgeries 6 .shoulder neck long thorasic nerve

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