Most of the exercised prescribed for join injuries involve range-of-motion and stretching the affected areas. Exercises for back pain typically involve stretching in the legs, as the back is a difficult area to stretch on its own. A few exercises for treating sacroiliitis are listed here. As with all stretches, make sure yo … Read More
Exercises for Preventing Back Pain
Back pain is one of the biggest complaints that people have. There are a lot of causes for it, and there are a lot of people who struggle with it because they aren't sure what they can do in order to feel better. They're afraid to exercise their back because they think doing that will make the pain worse, but there are actua … Read More
Constipation Lower Back Pain
Constipation relief is a multi-billion dollar industry based on a very common condition that people don't like to talk about; they're just looking for quick, easy relief. What many people don't know is that constipation may contribute back problems. Not only severe impaction, but even minor instances of constipation can cau … Read More
Exercises for Lower Back Pain and Sciatica
Because of our modern lifestyles, more people than ever suffer from lower back pain. You need not suffer any longer. Presented here are the Top 5 Exercises for Lower Back Pain and Sciatica. The purpose of these exercises is to reduce the pain you feel now, and to reduce the reoccurrence of pain in the future. Remember that … Read More
Degenerative Disc Disease and Breast Reduction
Degenerative Disc Disease is a disorder of the fluid-filled sacks (the discs) that separate and cushion the bones (the vertebrae) of the back. It is caused by age-related wear and tear, though not everyone suffers from this disorder. What happens with this condition is that over time, the discs of the back lose fluid, which … Read More
Exercises for Low Back Pain and Sciatica
In previous years, it was believed that rest was the best therapy for lower back pain, but more recent findings show that lack of physical activity can actually worsen back problems by causing poor circulation and tense muscles. Of course, rest is recommended to an extent, but after about two days of resting, the body is rea … Read More
Exercises for Herniated Disc
Exercises for herniated disc can be very helpful at relieving pain, helping the injury heal, and preventing future injuries to the area. When considering exercises for a herniated disc, focus on stretches and things that will loosen tense muscles surrounding the area, giving the injury room to heal. These exercises should a … Read More
Decompression for Back
Decompression for back pain has many approaches and can often provide relief. Although surgery is the most common form of decompression, it's not the only one, nor is decompression the only way to relieve back pain. Surgical decompression can take many forms. One procedure involves going in and removing all the offending bo … Read More
Constant Back Pain?
Constant back pain can result from muscle strain or injury to the muscles, ligaments or discs that support your spinal column. It is usually the result of too much stress, weak muscles, poor posture, muscle imbalances, or a combination of these. The problem is that the causes of back pain add on to one another. For example, … Read More
Exercises Alleviate Back Pain
No matter how much time you have to invest on exercises alleviate back pain. Consider the number of different types of back pain that occur, and then you will have to work with medical professionals to find appropriate exercises. Whether those professionals are doctors or therapists of different sorts will vary, but the job … Read More