Back Pain Women

The back pain women suffer from can be merely aggravating or seriously debilitating. Lower back pain caused by a variety of outside forces can make even sitting painful. Learning the types of back pain women typically suffer from, as well as the causes and treatments can mean less time with an aching back and more time enjoying life.

Back pain in women is caused by several broad categories. Understanding why you are experiencing pain can help determine the best way to alleviate it.

      1. Strain: Women who find themselves performing the same action repeatedly throughout their day, lifting heavy objects or engaging in strenuous exercise often injure their backs. These injuries are typically the result of strained muscles, but some cases may involve damaged disks.

2. Pregnancy: The additional weight of pregnancy as well as the pressure the baby places on the lower back often leads to at least some degree of pain. In some women this pain is so bad that movement is difficult and extremely painful

3. Disease: In some cases, disease may impact the overall health of the spine and lead to irritation and pain.

4. Excess weight: the back pain women who are overweight suffer from can be painful and constant.

Whatever the cause of your back pain, it is important to consult with a physician. As noted above, in many cases the pain you are experiencing is a direct result of strain and in these instances the problem will likely resolve itself with rest. In more serious cases, medical intervention is necessary, not just to alleviate the painful symptoms but to prevent further injuries. As women, we are likely to overlook even mildly severe pain, but it is always best to discuss the matter with a doctor, especially if the pain is ongoing, related to an injury or of unknown origin. Because back pain may be a symptom of a larger problem, always investigate the pain with your doctor.

In many cases, back pain in women is treated with anti-inflammatory medications and rest. Some more serious cases may require more intervention. Doctors prescribe a variety of medication to reduce inflammation and control pain. Physical therapy, massage or chiropractic care may also be prescribed.

A unique back pain women experience is pregnancy pain. Unfortunately, not only can it be very painful, it can be difficult to treat. Drugs, physical therapy and even diagnostic tests such as x-rays are impossible during pregnancy; so many times the pain is just something to be endured. Rest and remain off your feet whenever possible and take heart – the pain will disappear as soon as you deliver.

Many women find the best way to prevent back pain is taking care of themselves. Proper foot wear and exercise as well as an appropriate diet can help keep the spine healthy and feeling good. Others find that stretching or even preventative chiropractic visits are the key.

The back pain women suffer from is no laughing matter. In spite of our propensity to overlook pain or simply ‘suck it up,’ back pain is a serious problem and should be treated as such.

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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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