How Back Pain Destroys Your Finances & Retirement

Startling Numbers From New Study!

Baby Boomers who may be retiring in the coming years … and all those who are already retired … take note!

Compared to those who retire sooner for other health reasons, more than twice the number of early retirees due to back pain may have no savings by the time they reach age 65! That is according to Dr. Deborah Schofeld, co-author of a new study on the impact of back problems on retirement wealth and chairperson of Health Economics at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre.

Here’s the lowdown on how back pain hits retirees in the pocketbook:

  • As many as 25 percent of back pain patients who leave the labor force early may not have a retirement nest egg by age 65, compared to healthy folks.
  • The discrepancy in wealth among healthy men who work until age 65 ($366,000) and those who retire early due to back problems ($5,400) is HUGE!
  • Great differences in median wealth at age 65 were somewhat similar among woman who retire early from back pain ($21,700) compared to those who worked full-time until their retirement ($256,500).
  • Back pain sufferers who kept working full-time until retirement accumulated less wealth than full-time workers with no chronic health problems, largely despite age or gender.

You CAN Turn Things Around Starting Now…

No matter where you are in life — still working or already retired — you can turn things around significantly, starting right now, with proven low-cost and safe solutions to prevent and overcome back pain.

How? For starters, you can keep up the latest in natural pain-taming techniques by joining the 1 million people around the globe who subscribe to our newsletter.

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Pain: Journal of the International Association For The Study of Pain

Filed Under: Back Pain
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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1 thought on “How Back Pain Destroys Your Finances & Retirement”

  1. Kay Pope says:

    On the topic of destroyed finances, just try getting SSD if you have a college degree. I have had 5 back surgeries, have arthritis in my entire spine, stenosis, degenerative disk disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and sleep apnea. My spinal surgeon told me 7 years ago I have the spine of an 85 year old. My lawyer says education is high on the grid for determination for SSD, and if I had been a high school drop out I would have easily been approved. Unbelievably, those who work for a degree to try to better themselves are discriminated against by our government. I have been trying to get SSD for the last 3 years. It was denied, appealed, and then recommended to be picked up by the SSD law panel and sent to the judge, who denied it based only on my education. It has been refiled on a ‘fast track’. And the wait continues. I’m totally frustrated.

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