Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

What is it?

The Sacroiliac joint (SI) connects the base of the spine to the pelvis. It has two connection points and a hefty network of ligaments because it is a weight-bearing joint. The connection points have a kind of interlocking mechanism that limits movement at the joint.

The SI joint can become irritated and is easily inflamed, resulting in pain in the lower back and buttocks. If left untreated, this joint can become arthritic.

What causes it?

The most common reason for the SI joint to work improperly and become inflamed is that the position of the pelvis in relation to the curvature of the base of the spine gets out of balance. If the pelvis is tipped or tilting and the connection points of the joints are not seated correctly, there will be uneven wear and tear and, over time, the joint will break down and lead to arthritis.

It is important to understand that the position of the pelvis and the position of the spine do not change overnight. It takes time, often many years of your muscles being out of balance with each other for this to happen. These muscle imbalances cause postural imbalances. Eventually, if the muscles, bones, and SI joint are not working together as they should, this will result in a condition known as Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.

What are the symptoms?

The majority of complaints range from local pain to radiating pain in the leg or buttock area.

What are the most common treatments?

Cortisone injections straight into the joint, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), hot packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and therapeutic exercises are commonly used.

Why do traditional treatments fail?

Most traditional treatments fail because they simply address the symptoms and fail to address the cause of the condition. As we have explained, Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction is a physical problem brought on by your muscles being out of balance. While injections and meds can help the inflammation, they do not address the reasons why your muscles are out of balance.

Which treatments work best?

The principles of Muscle Balance Therapy™ address the pain and pinpoint what caused the spine and pelvis to get out of position in the first place.

Through strategic body assessments, your individual muscle imbalances can be identified. Once that is done, a very targeted corrective program can be designed specifically for you to help restore proper function to the joint.

50 Years of Back Pain Gone in Just Days!

Jerry Talisman had suffered from chronic back pain on and off for over 50 years. Like most people, he had tried it all… chiropractors, physical therapy, he even overdosed on tylenol but nothing gave him lasting relief until he discovered muscle balance therapy.

Unlike most treatments which only deliver temporary relief, if any at all, muscle balance therapy delivers lasting relief to 8 out of 10 people who use it because it addresses the underlying cause of the pain, not just the symptoms.

If you suffer from any type of back pain, neck pain or sciatica, I urge you to learn more about this breakthrough new treatment. Click here to learn more…

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