If you are suffering from lower back pain and have been searching and searching on how to relieve lower back pain, you will want to read this article and more importantly read through our many articles on lower back pain and lower back pain treatments. We have helped tens of thousands of back pain sufferers find lasting relief with our lower back pain treatments that have been proven effective.
Traditional treatments for lower back pain relief include: NSAID’s (non steroidal anti-inflammatory) which include aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, OTC pain medications such as Tylenol, steroid injections, and physical therapy exercises and in severe cases, surgery.
While over the NSAIDs and over the counter pain medications due help alleviate the symptoms of back pain, just remember that they can potentially be dangerous as they are loaded with proven negative side effects. It’s OK, to take them to help manage the pain at first, as they will lessen the pain and you can begin working on correcting your lower back pain. But it should be your goal to decrease the dosage and get to a point where you don’t need them at all. They are all natural anti-inflammatory and pain relieving supplements which are just as effective as the common drugs. Heal-n-Soothe is one such natural anti-inflammatory supplement which effectively reduces inflammation in the body. CLICK HERE to learn more about how you can reduce pain and inflammation naturally!
Steroid injections may temporarily reduce lower back pain, but again, this form of back pain treatment is only treating the symptom of lower back pain and not the underlying cause. It’s important to understand what really is causing your lower back pain in order to find lasting relief.
Having you been seeing a physical therapist and have be routinely performing your stretches and exercises but are not finding relief? Oftentimes, lower back pain sufferers are given very general and basic stretches and exercises to perform but they are not targeted to a person’s specific postural dysfunction, therefore they are not effective. What is a postural dysfunction you ask? There are various dysfunctions that people with lower back pain have. Barring trauma, you did not get lower back pain overnight, but it was caused by a gradual pull on your spine by imbalances in the muscles in your body. You definitely want to learn about muscle imbalances because barring trauma, they are the number one cause of all forms of back pain.
In the end, the road to recovery can be filled with many ups and downs so it’s important to stay focused, stay positive and believe that you can achieve optimal health.