Spinal Fractures and Back Pain

Spinal Fractures and back pain unfortunately go hand in hand. Spinal fractures are in fact a fairly common ailment. Over 700,000 spinal fractures occur in the United States alone.

What is a Spinal Fracture?

Spinal fractures, also known as vertebral fractures, are the result of weakened bones in the spine.


Simple put, a spinal fracture is, or vertebral compression fracture happens when one of the bones in the spine collapses or fractures.

Spinal fractures can cause sudden, severe back pain and lead to other health hazards including lack of sleep, reduced lung capacity and lack of mobility.

Causes of Spinal Fractures

Common causes of spinal fractures include osteoporosis, genetic deficiency, aging, impact and overall wear and tear on the bones. Osteoporosis can be prevented by making sure you are getting adequate amounts of things like calcium, vitamin D, healthy eating, and avoiding excessive smoking and alcohol.

Osteoporosis is more common amongst women and can be influenced by your genetic make up and or family history.

It is common for people to have multiple spinal fractures. An untreated fracture can lead to additional fractures as the weight of the spinal column is no longer distributed naturally. Multiple fractures can lead to Kyphosis, an unnatural curvature of the spine.

Spinal fractures can lead to sever back pain although it is possible for you to have a fracture and not even know it.

If you suspect that you might have a spinal fracture, you will definitely want to get tests done as it is difficult to determine without xray. Xray’s and MRI’s can help rule out spinal fractures which will allow you to focus on the other causes of your pain.

Treatments for Spinal Fractures and Back Pain

Ballon kyphoplasty is a treatment designed to repair spinal fractures. This process uses orthopedic balloons and bone cement to correct spinal alignment issues. Some studies show that this treatment is more effective than non surgical treatments.

Obviously, with any procedure there are risks. Consult your physician before considering any procedures for spinal fractures.

If you find out that you do not have spinal fractures, check out our other resources to find out what might be responsible for your pain.

One common reason for back pain is muscle imbalances in the body. To learn more about muscle imbalances and back pain, click on the link below.

Filed Under: Spine
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Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT

Jesse is the co-founder and visionary CEO of The Healthy Back Institute®, the world-leading source of natural back pain solutions. His mission as a former back pain sufferer is to help others live pain free without surgery and pharmaceuticals.

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2 thoughts on “Spinal Fractures and Back Pain”

  1. Carla Gaus says:

    I have a curved spine fracute for over 30 yrd by my ex pushed me against the garage door very hard its scoliosis type by my Dr.told me I get pain A lot bottom part to upward spine nothing works any advice? Carla. Now it’s severe arthritis spreading all over 2

    1. Admin says:

      HI Carla,
      Thank you for your comment and explanation regarding your pain and arthritis. We would like to help and a good starting point is our Book the 7 Day Back Pain Cure.
      The book discusses back pain and related issues along with treatment options and pain relief suggestions. Please read more information about it via the link below


      We will shortly be sending you an e mail regarding Arthritis, please look out for it.

      Thank you. Our Best Wishes
      Admin (The Healthy Back Institute)

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